America with Jorge Ramos

Jorge Ramos Whines: ‘This Is Not What Biden Promised’
It is a tale as predictable as the Sun rising in the East: Univision anchor Jorge Ramos has turned on President Joe Biden for being insufficiently hospitable towards the waves of migrants presently rushing the nation’s Southern border.

Jorge Ramos Ditches Surfside Ruins for One Last Shot at Trump
Univision continued to indulge anchor Jorge Ramos’ ego, allowing him on Wednesday to ditch the network’s coverage of the still-smoldering rubble of the Surfside collapse in order to travel to Texas for one last performative heckling of former President Donald Trump.

SERIOUSLY? Jorge Ramos Whines the Media Wasn’t Hostile Enough to Trump
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos has, yet again, found occasion to milk his performative ejection from then-candidate Donald Trump’s 2015 Iowa press conference. This time, Ramos uses it as the basis from which to make the ridiculous assertion that the liberal media wasn’t hostile enough in covering Donald Trump.

De Blasio: ‘We Have To Think About’ Packing SCOTUS If ACB Confirmed
As the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court draws ever closer to Senate confirmation, it is important to note that the nation’s leading Spanish-language network has severely underreported the current court-packing debate. The only reasonable explanation for such coverage is a Supreme Court packed by Democrats is also in Univision’s best business interests.

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos’ Iowa Confrontation Of Trump Was Totally Fake
Five years ago today, Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos left the comforts of his Miami studio, headed to Dubuque, Iowa; and attended then-candidate Donald Trump’s press conference. The confrontation that took place became the top story of the day, and would eventually become a landmark media TDS moment that foreshadowed what coverage of Trump presidency would eventually become. But it was…

Jorge Ramos' Gaslighting Gets SHUT DOWN By Former AG of Puerto Rico
In what has become a tale as old as time, Univision’s Jorge Ramos attempted to gaslight his viewers into believing that a Trump statement on immigration was meant to disparage an entire community. This time, though, he was met head-on and absolutely shut down by a prepared guest.

The NYT Scrubs Anti-Blackness From Jorge Ramos’ Op-Ed
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos has a habit of saying one thing to American media and another overseas. And it appears that The New York Times got wind of his overseas remarks after publication of his latest op-ed. The opinion piece, originally published on August 7th, was entitled “Can a Latina Girl Dream of Being President of the United States?” Shortly after publication, the op-ed’s…

Ramos cubrió acusaciones contra Kavanaugh 51X más que contra Biden

Jorge Ramos Covered Kavanaugh Allegations 51X More Than Biden’s

Ante despidos en Univisión, Ramos difama el movimiento para “reabrir"

Amid Univision Layoffs, Jorge Ramos Slanders 'Reopen' Movement

Debate Moderator Jorge Ramos: Bernie Sanders Pitchman, Trump Resistor

Joe Biden Calls Out Jorge Ramos’s Shameless Border Demagoguery