So Much Healing: Bette Midler Takes Last Shot at Trump ‘Dimwits’

January 6th, 2021 12:38 PM

Ah, the glamour, grace and charm of Hollywood royalty … if you see any, share it. In the meantime, there’s this reminder from once-relevant actress and singer Bette Midler that your betters on the cultural heights hate you.

Apparently the Divine Miss M saw Donald Trump Junior on TV speaking to the MAGA rally in DC. Magnanimous in victory and ready to show that big heart to folks whose politics differ from her own, she tweeted:

Charming, no? Why ever would Trump supporters be reluctant to yield to people like this?

Incidentally, on Midler’s feed I came across a tweet from a fan of hers, informing her that “your song ‘The Rose’ randomly popped into my head this evening while I was getting ready for bed.”

MIdler replied: “Sorry. Next time that happens, here’s what you do: go to the kitchen, find your biggest rolling pin, and beat yourself unconscious with it. If you still hear the song when you come around, repeat as necessary.”

Wait. That wasn’t Bette’s reply. It was mine.