Eric Anderson

HuffPo's Cheatin' Heart -- More Anti-Monogamy Propaganda
May 21st, 2012 3:50 PM
Summer is approaching, and wedding season is kicking into high gear. And the Huffington Post is celebrating by declaring war on marriage (of the traditional variety, it has no problem with gay marriage), arguing that monogamy is impossible and that cheating is desirable.
The Huffington Post has developed an obsession with cheating, and has spurned the very concept of monogamy.…

HuffPo: Monogamy is Killing Marriage
January 5th, 2012 10:58 AM
"Monogamy is failing men." At least, that's the judgment of the Huffington Post's Vicki Larson, who opened her January 4 piece "Why Men Need to Cheat" with that exact phrase.
Larson's article attacks "monogamy's stranglehold over our beliefs" and declares that "cheating, however, serves men well." Her jump-off point is a book of sociology by Eric Anderson, whom she introduces as an "American…