Louis Magazzu

AP Has No Problem Tagging Resigned N.J. Lawmaker as a Republican Multi
August 24th, 2011 10:48 PM
Even by the non-standards of the Associated Press, its treatment of the resignation in New Jersey of a state Assembly member is remarkable.
Twice in the space of the wire service's headline and reporter Angela Delli Santi's first three words, Pat Delany was tagged as a Republican, followed during the first two paragraphs by two descriptions of Republican Party reaction (bolds are mine):

Name That Party: Comparing NYDN's and AP's Coverage of 'Louis the Lewd
August 4th, 2011 3:55 PM
Louis Magazzu, whom I shall nickname "Louis the Lewd," was a Democratic County Freeholder in Cumberland County, New Jersey. A "freeholder" is the Garden State equivalent of a county commissioner.
His position is in the past tense because Louis the Lewd resigned on Tuesday after nude pictures of himself sent to a woman with whom he had online correspondence for several years were published.…