Tami Luhby

CNN Money: 'Obamacare Patients Are Sicker and Pricier Than Expected'
March 30th, 2016 11:45 PM
Nobody could have seen this coming.
That's sarcasm, folks. Everyone but those who somehow thought that hope would somehow triumph over experience in the kinds of patients who would utilize Obamacare saw this coming. CNN Money Senior Writer Tami Luhby is reporting, with some apparent surprise, that "Obamacare patients are sicker and pricier than expected" (bolds are mine; HT Twitchy):

AP Ignores Why Vegas Culinary Workers Have Authorized Strike: Obamacar
March 30th, 2014 10:13 AM
The headline and first paragraph at an Associated Press item on a union strike authorization vote in Las Vegas are both far more vague than they could or should be.
Though the rest of Ken Ritter's coverage at least identifies the union involved, it completely fails to get to the heart of the matter, which is that Obamacare is causing huge increases in their employers' cost of providing health…

CNN Email Touts 6 Million Obamacare Sign-ups As 'Symbolic Victory
March 28th, 2014 9:14 AM
Call it low-information voter outreach.
An email yesterday from CNNMoney touted how fantastic it was that Obamacare enrollment has reached the six million threshold, even describing it as a "symbolic victory." Though the underlying article by Tami Luhby at least noted the problems with that 6 million figure, those problems should have been enough to negate that characterization. Instead,…
CNNMoney Headline: 'Florida and Texas Governors in Jobs P*ssing Match
May 22nd, 2011 1:08 AM
In a post time-stamped on Saturday at 12:16 p.m., CNNMoney.com has a story (HT Ed Driscoll via the PJ Tatler) headlined "Florida and Texas in jobs p*ssing match" (except that there's an "i" where I typed an asterisk).
Since the story has been up for at least 12 hours (maybe longer, given that the its URL is dated May 20; Update, May 22, 5 p.m.: The comments at a cached CNN Political Ticker…