Charles Koch

Paul Krugman Says Charles Koch Wants Barrett to ‘Destroy The Planet’
October 14th, 2020 1:01 PM
New York Times economist Paul Krugman is at it again. He’s promoting a conspiracy theory that libertarian billionaire Charles Koch wants U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett to — wait for it — destroy the planet. Sounds like Krugman may have been watching too much Star Wars.

MSNBC Food Series Hits 'Criminal' Behavior of Climate 'Deniers'
February 27th, 2020 10:02 AM
On Sunday's What's Eating America?, hosted by celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern, the second episode of the new food-focused MSNBC series engaged in scaremongering with predictions about the food industry being hurt by climate change, and indicted "deniers" for not believing climate change is caused by human activity.

Liberals Love to Hate Rich, But Billionaires Have Made a Difference
November 26th, 2019 11:23 AM
Liberals and the media love to hate billionaires -- but without them, where would the world be today? This Thanksgiving season, we can remember some of the contributions America’s billionaires have made to impact society. People like Charles and David Koch, Bernard Marcus and Frederick W. Smith are among a billionaire class of individuals that have drawn the ire of the liberal media and some…

About-Face: Liberal Media Herald New Soros/Koch Think Tank
July 9th, 2019 5:10 PM
The liberal media usually take aim at the libertarian Koch brothers, but now that they’ve launched a venture with George Soros, there’s been an about-face.

Bernie Sanders Hailed as Socialist Superhero in His Own Comic Book
April 27th, 2019 10:34 AM
As if we don’t see 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders often enough, a comic book company has decided to produce a one-shot singing the praises of the Independent Vermont senator with the curious title Talk Bernie to Me! The issue will feature three covers, with one of Sanders’ smiling face, another with him as He-Man from the Masters of the Universe animated series holding up a sword in…

MSNBC: Disturbing Koch Brothers ‘Don’t Want to Pay Taxes’
July 31st, 2018 4:07 PM
On All In Tuesday night, the conversation turned to recent reports that the right-leaning Koch brothers were considering supporting candidates outside the Republican party. Commentary soon drifted, however, into outright criticism of the prominent libertarian donors. Apparently, Charles and David Koch don’t want to pay taxes.

NYT’s Love of Public Transit, Hate of Koch Brothers Collide on Page 1
June 19th, 2018 5:24 PM
The New York Times loves its public transit and dislikes the limited-government Koch Brothers. Combine those trends and you have: “Kochs Finance High-Tech War Against Transit – Targeting Voter Data to Kill Buses and Rail” in Tuesday’s off-lead story slot. Not “War Against Federal Over-Spending...” the Kochs are apparently against people moving around. Climate reporter Hiroko Tabuchi sounded…

USA Today Notes ‘Conservative’ Koch in Tax Ads Story, Omits Soros
April 19th, 2018 10:43 AM
The GOP-passed tax legislation passed in late 2017, remains a centerpiece of the 2018 mid-term elections. One side will be praising it, the other attacking it. USA Today only seems to care about who backs one side of that battle.
Advertisements celebrating or attacking the tax bill were the focus of an April 17, USA Today front-page exclusive. It reported that “GOP groups and candidates have run…

NYT Spreads Trumped-Up ‘Fear’ of Privatization at VA
March 30th, 2018 4:35 PM
In Friday’s New York Times, reporter Nicholas Fandos used the firing by President Trump of Veterans Affairs secretary David Shulkin to spread irrational fear of privatization at the scandal and corruption-plagued federal organization for veterans assistance: “V.A. Shake-Up Gives Rise to New Fears of Privatized Care.”

Sharpton Likens Himself to James Bond vs Koch Brother 'Villains'
March 18th, 2018 2:12 PM
On Sunday morning's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during the "Gotcha" segment, host Al Sharpton lamely compared himself to James Bond as he likened conservative donors Charles and David Koch to Bond-type "villains" because of their support for conservative causes.

After It's Discredited, NYT Praises Shoddy Anti-Conservative Hit Book
August 21st, 2017 12:49 PM
Unprofessional all around: The decision by the New York Times Sunday Book Review to publish a laudatory review of “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. At this point, the grievous flaws flushed out by critics on the left and right should have required that any review come with a warning label. Yet even months after criticism from outlets across…

Writer: Are Red States ‘Souring’ on Conservative Economic Ideas?
April 14th, 2017 5:06 PM
Whatever was the matter with Kansas when Thomas Frank wrote his book is now less daunting for the left, believes New York magazine’s Eric Levitz, who contended in a Wednesday piece that the closeness of this week’s House special election in the Wichita-centric 4th District appears to spell trouble for conservatives.

NYT's A1 Slams ‘Ultraconservative’ Koch Bros. Possibly Racist Outreach
January 6th, 2017 2:56 PM
After several months of New York Times angst over the supposed racist turn of the Republican Party, the front page of Monday’s New York Times featured a hostile report on a Koch brothers public relations campaign appealing to black voters, business reporter Hiroko Tabuchi’s “Koch Strategy Mixes Gospel And Oil Policy.” Beyond the “ultraconservative” labeling on the front page, Tabuchi found a left…

NYT Defends VA, Hails Biblical Imperative of Bishops to Oppose Trump
November 16th, 2016 5:30 PM
Whatever it takes. Wednesday’s New York Times saw the paper defending the incompetent Veterans Administration and praising “biblical imperatives,” all in the name of opposing Donald Trump. In “Harsh Critic of the V.A. May Become Its Leader,” by Dave Philipps, who often reports on the military for the paper. Became a fierce defender of the corrupt and incompetent federal agency and picked the odd…