Jennifer Agiesta

AP Downplays Key Poll Finding: Dems' Advantage Among Women Is Gone
October 22nd, 2014 9:28 AM
In relaying the results of their polling partnership's latest survey, Associated Press polling director Jennifer Agiesta and reporter Emily Swanson held their most important finding until their report's seventh paragraph.
Despite their effort to downplay it, Matt Drudge, whose nose for genuine news is legendary, spotted it. Accordingly, his current headline screams: "POLL SHOCK: WOMEN WANT…

AP-GfK Poll Rates GOP Leaders in 'Congress,' But Not Dems in Senate
October 5th, 2014 7:10 PM
The polling partnership of the Associated Press and GfK Public Affairs & Corporate Communications conducted its final pre-early voting survey of the American electorate during the five days ended September 29.
It would be pretty hard to argue against the idea that the polling effort searched for answers it could use, while avoiding getting — or at least publishing — answers it wouldn't like…

AP Fails to Connect Poll Finding to Obamacare: 11% With Employer Cover
December 16th, 2013 1:26 PM
An Associated Press-GfK poll has found that 11 percent of an admittedly small sample of Americans insured through their employer or a family member's employer are losing their coverage in 2014. The related AP report relays that point and even has a graphic supporting it.
But reporters Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Jennifer Agiesta failed to make the drop-dead obvious connection. According…

AP's Report Bemoaning Income Inequality Says You're 'Rich' If You've E
December 10th, 2013 2:14 PM
Monday evening at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Hope Yen, with the help of lead AP pollster Jennifer Agiesta and three other reporters, tagged 20 percent of Americans as "rich."
To do so, she reinvented what it is to be "rich" or "affluent." It apparently has nothing to do with how it is normally defined, i.e., based on current net worth (assets owned minus debts owed…

AP Writers Claim Their 'Poll' Shows 'Majority Harbor Prejudice Against
October 27th, 2012 4:09 PM
The latest and possibly last (we can hope) preelection poll from partnership between the Associated Press and GfK Roper International purportedly tells us that most of us "now express prejudice toward blacks" whether we "recognize those feelings or not."
That's the conclusion communicated by AP reporter Sonya Ross and wire service deputy director of polling Jennifer Agiesta. In case we don't…

Poll-Cooking With AP: Obama Approval at 60% -- With 46-29 Dem-GOP Spli
May 11th, 2011 11:16 AM
The chefs in the kitchens at AP-GfK, a joint effort of the Associated Press and GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, have been working overtime cooking up a scrumptious dish for fans of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.
After tasting the output this morning, the AP's Liz Sidoti and Jennifer Agiesta could hardly contain their glee (also saved here for future reference…

AP’s Fram Charges GOP ‘Defied’ Public by Passing (Non-Existent
December 29th, 2010 2:15 AM
Catching up with a distorted news report from Christmas Day, the AP decided to distribute a particularly tendentious piece of “reporting” by the news service’s Washington, DC-based Alan Fram and Jennifer Agiesta, who misleadingly charged House Republicans “defied” public will on “tax cuts for the wealthy,” which were non-existent. They led:
Republicans say they will follow “the people's…
AP-GfK Poll Report Concentrates on Voters' Emotions, Avoids Dem-Unfrie
September 23rd, 2010 1:01 PM
So what's more important: The fact that independents are as "upset" as Republicans, or that Americans' disapproval of how President Obama is handling the economy is at an all-time high? Here's another priority-related question: Is it more important that "independents and Republicans were half as likely as Democrats to be inspired and less prone to be hopeful, excited and proud," or that…
Obama Intel Czar Blames FBI for Lost Opportunity to Question Underwear
January 21st, 2010 4:00 PM
President Obama's handpicked intelligence czar blames officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice for failing to permit the gathering critical intelligence from Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called Underwear Bomber who attempted to down a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day 2009.What's more, neither Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair nor FBI director Mueller or Homeland…