Mimi Hall
Under Painting of Lincoln Peering Down at Obama, USA Today Explores Ob
May 12th, 2010 4:23 PM
“Will doing 'big things' wind up costing Obama?” a Wednesday USA Today front page article worried, accompanied by a photo of contemplative President Barack Obama with Abraham Lincoln in a painting peering down at him. The caption: “History book bound?” The subhead for the story by Susan Page and Mimi Hall: “Voters' anxiety clouds his historic successes.” The effusive lead presumed Obama deserves…
USA Today Defines Sycophantic Media in Front Page Homage to Obamas
November 3rd, 2009 3:40 PM
“President Obama may not have delivered on all the policy changes he promised since his election a year ago, but he and his family have brought dramatic social change to the nation's capital and to the country's collective image of its first family,” USA Today's Mimi Hall and Maria Puente gushed in a front page story on Tuesday marking a year since President Obama's election, “With cultural '…