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Jack Black

WORST OF 2024: Celebrity Freak-Out Award
January 1st, 2025 9:00 AM
Today we present the WORST OF 2024: The Celebrity Freak-Out Award.
Michael Stipe, Jack Black, Weezer, Pink Make Desperate Abortion Appeal
October 29th, 2020 12:32 PM
As the nation’s electoral reckoning is mere days away, Hollywood entertainers are using their precious last moments of political persuasion to advocate for more killing of unborn children. What a beautiful set of values the left has, huh?

Comedian Jack Black Accuses ‘F**king Warlock’ Trump of Stealing Act
December 15th, 2017 2:05 PM
When all else fails, a comedian can grab for Hollywood’s default talking point: President Trump.
On Conan Thursday night, comedian Jack Black joked to host Conan O’Brien that he felt like Trump stole from one of Black’s old acts, the rock duet Tenacious D. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the conversation began when Conan asked Black, “Do you think it’s at all possible that your balls-to-the…

Lib Celeb Jack Black on Oscars: ‘Talk More S**t' About 'A**hole’ Trump
February 25th, 2017 2:00 PM
If you’re going to watch Sunday’s Oscars, be prepared for a tsunami of liberal rage, more so than the usual Academy Awards. The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday reported that actor Jack Black hailed actress Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech and lobbied for more at the Oscars: “I just hope she wins the Oscar and talks some more shit about that asshole.”
Jack Black Grills Stephanopoulos: Which 2016 Dem Do You Love More?
July 8th, 2015 10:32 AM
Even a Hollywood actor knows how much George Stephanopoulos loves Democrats. On Wednesday, star Jack Black appeared on Good Morning America and turned the tables on the former Bill Clinton operative. At the end of an interview for his new movie, Black asked for Stephanopoulos's preference: "Real quick, Hillary Rodham Clinton or Bernie Sanders?" Pressing the host for an answer, Black informed that…

Jack Black: I Like MSNBC But Morning Joe 'Dances' with GOP Wolves
April 27th, 2015 5:43 PM
Liberal actor Jack Black is such a big fan of MSNBC he bragged to PBS’s Tavis Smiley “I’ve got like three or four of them queued up on my TiVo every night,” but he wasn’t sure about Joe Scarborough who he claimed “sometimes dances with wolves.”