
17 Years Ago, Clemency for Scooter Libby Drew Massive Media Ire
The media have exhibited compassion regarding President Biden's pardon for his son, Hunter, but 17 years ago, angry journalists railed against the “travesty of justice” after President Bush merely commuted the prison sentence of former White House aide “Scooter” Libby.

NY Times Mangles Trump's Cheney 'Chicken Hawk' Gibe to Imply VIOLENCE
It’s an intriguing parallel: Father and daughter Republican political figures Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney, insulted as warmongers and chicken hawks by different political parties, twenty years apart. But the coverage in the New York Times couldn’t have been more different. When Donald Trump attacked Republican turned Kamala Harris supporter Liz Cheney as a “radical warhawk,” he was…

Ignore 'Stupid March Polls! Joe Scarborough Goes Baghdad Bob For Biden
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough goes full Baghdad Bob for Biden. He suggests people should ignore "stupid March polls" that show Biden losing, and analogizes the race to the 1980 race between Carter and Reagan, before Carter's support collapsed at the very end.

Amanpour Demands Media Stop Treating Biden's Age Like Hillary's Emails
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour welcomed the Columbia Journalism School’s Margaret Sullivan to the Saturday edition of The Amanpour Hour where the two condemned their media colleagues for allegedly focusing on President Joe Biden’s age to the exclusion of everything else. They also claimed it should be their “public service role” to not let Biden’s age turn into Hillary Clinton's emails or…

CNN Blames Reagan, Bush, And Trump For 'Why Iran Hates America'
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria hosted a Sunday special documentary entitled Why Iran Hates America where he ultimately homed in on three Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. There is a fine line between explaining Iran’s position and uncritically regurgitating it and Zakaria failed to appreciate the difference as he omitted key information and contradicted…

Morning Joe’s Biden Gush Praises Cursing at Trump, Covering for Lies
After Morning Joe plays a clip of President Biden mentioning his son Beau first among the "fallen soldiers" that Donald Trump failed to visit in a military cemetery in France, Jonathan Lemire covers for him, saying that Beau died of cancer "shortly after returning from Iraq." Beau Biden died six years after returning from Iraq.

Daily Show Faux-Debates 'America's Greatest War Criminals'
Comedy Central’s tempt host of The Daily Show, Michelle Wolf welcomed correspondents Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta for a “debate” on who is “America’s greatest war criminal” after the death of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. As Chieng and Kosta fake fought over Kissinger and former Vice President Dick Cheney, Wolf offered up President Andrew Jackson.

Gauche Scarborough: 'Shape-Shifter' Kissinger vs. Resolute Brzezinski
On Morning Joe, on the occasion of the death of Henry Kissinger, Joe Scarborough makes an invidious comparison between Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the late father of Scarborough's wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski. Scarborough described Kissinger as a "shape-shifter" who retained influence for 50 years after leaving the White House because he was good at "ingratiating" himself with…

Scarborough Accuses GOP Of Turning America Into Iraq, Afghanistan
MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough reached deep into his bag of outrageous analogies on Wednesday in order to accuse Republicans of turning America into Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam because they refuse to pass gun control.

NewsBusters Podcast: There Was No Neocon Press Parade
On the 20th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, NewsBusters is determined to rebut the silly leftist allegation that the "mainstream media" were Bush-Cheney lackeys who never threw tough questions before and during war in Iraq. Bill Moyers of PBS even claimed the media resembled a cult engaged in a "collective Jonestown-like suicide."

20 Years Later: The Truth About the Media and the Iraq War
For 20 years, lefties have blasted the press as weak or corrupt because the media did not prevent the Bush administration from launching the war in Iraq. It’s become an enduring myth amongst liberals — and one that an honest review of news coverage would quickly debunk.

Here Are The Worst Moments From Alexandra Pelosi's HBO Doc On Her Mom
Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, recently directed a much-hyped documentary about her mother called Pelosi in the House, which debuted Tuesday night on HBO. The rather obvious conflict of interest created a gushing look at Pelosi’s career with plenty lowlights from the cringe worthy to the outrageous.

‘The Gray Lady Winked’ Exposes NY Times Pro-Woke, Anti-Soldier Bias
The New York Times entered the 21st century carrying the same old bad habits, as Ashley Rindsberg documents in The Gray Lady Winked. In the first part of our review we summarized his findings on the paper’s shameful coverage of the rise of Nazism and Communism and its suppression of news of the ongoing Holocaust. In the second part: More hostility toward Jews,…

Michael Moore Slams Bush 'War Criminals,' Fight Climate Change Instead
On Sunday night, far-left MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan joined far-left propagandist Michael Moore in lamenting that members of the George W. Bush administration were not convicted of war crimes. He also declared that the "defense" budget of the U.S. should be aimed at fighting "climate change" instead of military projects like helping to defend Israel with the Iron Dome missile defense system.