NPR Pundit: Harris Did Fine on CNN Because Conservatives Trashed Bash

September 1st, 2024 6:32 AM

On their regular "Week In Politics" chat on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday, host Scott Simon asked NPR senior Washington correspondent Ron Elving how Kamala Harris and Tim Walz performed in their sit-down CNN interview. Elving said you knew they were fine because conservatives trashed CNN and Dana Bash after it aired.


NPR Spin: Trump's In Danger, Biden's Like the Second Coming of Carter

August 20th, 2023 4:18 PM

Trump and Biden drew very different spins on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday. In their "Week In Politics segment," Trump was in grave peril from indictments, while Biden was the second coming of Jimmy Carter at Camp David. Having Asian leaders in "elevates Joe Biden's presidency."

NPR Skips GOP Grilling Garland, But Promotes His Holocaust Analogies

March 6th, 2023 12:37 PM

How pliant is NPR in promoting Team Biden? We noted last week that NPR skipped any features on Attorney General Merrick Garland being grilled in the Senate. But over the weekend, NPR promoted Garland flying to Ukraine to talk about Russian war crimes -- and their Justice Department reporter flew along and  let him choke up discussing how he had family members who perished in the Holocaust. …

NPR Touts Biden as 'Strong and Vigorous Man,' Hails His SOTU Lies

February 19th, 2023 8:02 AM

On NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday, host Scott Simon sounded like state-run radio as he touted Biden's latest physical showed "a strong and vigorous man" as Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley "openly played the age card" in her announcement. NPR political analyst Ron Elving insisted "any kind of dissing of old folks is a risky strategy and likely to backfire." Liberals…

NPR Saturday Host Rips 'Violent Enterprise' of Pro Football

February 12th, 2023 8:36 AM

Weekend Edition Saturday is a "news" program, but anchorman Scott Simon can uncork an occasional liberal commentary called "Simon Says." On the Saturday before the Super Bowl, Simon ripped pro football as a violent game, chiding the NFL for basically abusing its labor force after Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest on the field.


GODDESS? RBG A Titan for 'Liberty,' Figure of 'Great Righteousness'

September 19th, 2020 10:36 AM

One can expect a round of eulogies in appreciations when a longtime leader on the Supreme Court dies, but when "feminist icon" Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, the level of praise was so thick, she was celebrated as a force for "liberty" and as a figure of "great righteousness" in the Jewish tradition.


NPR: Trump's Not Reaganesque, Complaining About Pro-Biden Media Bias!

September 5th, 2020 6:26 PM

On Friday, the traveling/groveling Biden press corps deeply embarrassed themselves with a series of questions begging Biden to denounce President Trump in the strongest terms. On Saturday, NPR political analyst Ron Elving dismissed President Trump's complaints about the extremely soft questions at Joe Biden's Friday news conference. "Can you imagine Ronald Reagan or Dwight Eisenhower saying…

NPR Morning Host Makes a Half-Million for Hosting on Saturdays

August 20th, 2019 3:51 PM
On Tuesday morning, syndicated talk-radio host Chris Plante mocked "National Panhandler Radio" for having some seriously high salaries for a taxpayer-subsidized network that begs for listener donations in pledge drives. Plante cited tweets by Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi from the latest IRS 990 form for nonprofits revealing the high salaries of NPR stars. Plante marveled first at…

NPR Lets David Hogg Slam Opponents as Old People Dying Off

March 24th, 2018 10:23 PM
NPR Weekend Edition Saturday welcomed Parkland student leftist David Hogg for an interview, and host Scott Simon offered the typical "how are you coping" and "do you have time to be a teenager" softballs. But when he teed up Hogg to say something political, Hogg was obnoxious.

NPR Anchor to Trump Fan: Are You Backing a Lunatic Who'd Launch Nukes?

January 7th, 2018 9:14 AM
On National Public Radio on Saturday morning, Weekend Edition anchor Scott Simon interviewed Ed Martin, a pro-Trump author and Republican Party man, reveling in the Donald Trump-Steve Bannon feud. Simon claimed Bannon said the president has "lost it," meaning his mind. He asked Martin if he was "supporting a president who is incapable of being entrusted" with nuclear weapons?

NPR Tiptoes: 'Religion,' Not Islam, Plays a Role In Modern Terrorism

May 29th, 2017 2:25 PM
On Saturday morning's Weekend Edition, in the wake of the despicable bombing of the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, NPR host Scott Simon welcomed staunch atheist Richard Dawkins, author of (most notably) The God Delusion, to discuss the role of "religion" in terrorism. Simon tiptoed around singling out one particular religion as the most prone to terrorism in this century.

NPR Shares Teacher Letter: Black Kids Ask 'Do I Matter...Am I Human?'

September 25th, 2016 4:01 PM
NPR comes to the news of police shootings ready and willing to feel the pain of “black and brown” people, including the children. On Weekend Edition Saturday, anchor Scott Simon launched into a commentary with the online title “For Students In Tulsa, Pain Frames Conversation About Crutcher.” Simon shared a viral Facebook post by a teacher in Tulsa at a school attended by a daughter of Terrence…

NPR Honors 'Pakistan's Mother Teresa' ....But Trashed the Original One

July 10th, 2016 4:00 PM published an article on Friday headlined “Abdul Sattar Edhi, Known As 'Pakistan's Mother Teresa,' Dies At 88.” Edhi was a Muslim man, not a Catholic nun, so...NPR didn’t run around looking for his harshest critics as they did for Mother Teresa in 1997. Charity was a "central tenet of Islam," NPR reported this week, but they turned to leftist Christopher Hitchens in 1997 to decry Mother…

NPR: Mateen Evoked ISIS to Gain 'More Publicity'...for Shooting 100!

June 20th, 2016 7:19 AM
On NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday, the play-down-Islam game was in full swing. The headline online was “Orlando Shooter Update: Few Warning Signs Point To Radicalization.” NPR anchor Scott Simon said unnamed federal officials were “struck by the fact that the shooter, Omar Mateen, doesn't seem to have exhibited any of the warning signs often associated with radicalization. They're exploring…