Huey Newton

Not News: Black Lives Matter Praises Castro's Harboring of Cop-Killers
December 6th, 2016 12:09 AM
No review of the reactions of leftists and the establishment press (but I repeat myself) to the death of Fidel Castro would be complete without seeing what the wonderful, caring people at Black Lives Matter wrote after the Cuban dictator died.
BLM's reaction is posted at a website called Since that post doesn't link elsewhere, it was possible to hope that the content there doesn't…
Bernard: So What if Michelle Obama Were a Black Panther
July 14th, 2008 9:58 PM
Not that she is, but if Michelle Obama were in fact a Black Panther, what's the big deal? So seems to think Michelle Bernard. Anyone who imagines that Bernard brings conservative balance to the MSNBC panels on which she regularly appears should think again. Yes, Bernard is head of the Independent Women's Forum, an organization with strong conservative roots. And true, Bernard served on the…