Another One: Holt to Step Down From ‘NBC Nightly News’ This Summer
In a move first predicted by Puck’s Dylan Byers back on July 31, 2024 (and then on September 27), NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt told staff in an e-mail he’d be stepping down “around the start of the summer” after a decade at the weekday show while both remaining and expanding his role as lead…

NBC Takes Credit for Scoop Reported by NewsNation... ONE Month Ago
As our friends at places like the Daily Caller can tell you, bigger news outlets frequently claim scoops the Caller had reported days, weeks, or even months prior. Such was the case with NewsNation when NBC’s Dateline claimed on Friday it had breaking news about the alleged murderer of four University of Idaho students. The only problem was it was aired nearly a month ago on…

FLASHBACK: Todd Whined About Trump Humiliating Clinton With Accusers
Another week has passed and journalists are again upset with the Trump/Pence 2020 team for how they handled a debate. This time, Chuck Todd hammered Mike Pence for being “evasive” and “deflecting.” Four years ago today, on October 10, 2016, things were exactly the same. NBC’s Todd was horrified when Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton’s sexual accusers to a debate.

Hillary Grants First TV Q&A to Jane Pauley -- Her Soggiest Sob Sister

NBC’s ‘Dateline’ Obama Hour Special — All Gush, Censors Scandals

Behar: Bill Accusers 'Tramps,' But Hillary Knows 'He Did Those Things' and AP Imply Clinton Vocally 'Denied' 1978 Rape

Holt: Shootings Will 'Be Like Hurricanes' If Gun Violence Doesn't End

Dateline: Shootings Are 'Undeniable Part of American Life' Due to Guns

You’re Hired! How NBC Spent 11 Years Making Trump a Household Name

CNN: Bill Clinton's War-on-Women History Is Only 'Alleged'
Williams Admits to Falsely Saying He Was Shot Down Over Iraq [UPDATED]

CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand

NBC: Dick Cheney 'A Conservative Hero to His Fans, Darth Vader to His
Monday's NBC Today featured another preview of the upcoming Dateline interview with Dick Cheney about his new memoir, with correspondent Jamie Gangel declaring the former Vice President to be "A conservative hero to his fans, Darth Vader to his critics." On Thursday, Gangel also appeared on the NBC morning show to promote the interview, with co-host Ann Curry proclaiming…