Larry Rohter

NYT Salutes John McCain, But 2008 Campaign Coverage Was Classless
August 26th, 2018 10:40 AM
Republican Sen. John McCain, a war hero who suffered five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war in the infamous “Hanoi Hilton” prison camp in Vietnam, and who became an independent, influential senator, has died at 81. The New York Times obituary was broadly admiring. But the Times hasn’t always treated Sen. McCain so respectfully. Look back to the 2008 campaign. Reporters suggestied McCain was…
New York Times Greets New Pope With Abortion, Gay Marriage, and the 'D
March 14th, 2013 3:20 PM
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires is now Pope Francis, and Thursday's New York Times front-page "Man In the News" profile by Emily Schmall and Larry Rohter, "A Conservative With a Common Touch," opened respectfully. But after a dash of local color and historical context, the Times quickly mounted its old hobby horse: the Church's positions on liberal issues like abortion and gay marriage…
NYT's Rohter Finds Parallel Between Tea Party and Chilean Dictator Gen
February 11th, 2013 3:10 PM
Larry Rohter, who was perhaps the New York Times' most biased reporter during the 2008 campaign (beating some stiff competition) now works the foreign arts beat. In a Sunday Arts & Leisure profile of Pablo Larrain, director of the movie "No," about the 1988 vote that ended the long dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, Rohter actually compared Pinochet indirectly to the Tea Party and the…

Occupy Movement All Over the Sunday New York Times, from Three-Kid Sum
July 16th, 2012 3:38 PM
It was all Occupy Wall Street all the time in Sunday's New York Times, with no less than four favorable references to the left-wing sit-in scattered throughout the paper. The Tea Party movement certainly hasn't permeated the pages of the Times in such friendly fashion.
Meanwhile, the paper continues to downplay or ignore violence committed by the Occupy movement. The Times did not cover the…
After Denying Obama Would Raise Taxes During Campaign, NYT Calls for I
September 4th, 2009 2:53 PM
A long lead editorial in Friday's New York Times, "Once and Future Taxes," called on Barack Obama to accept the inevitable and raise taxes to fight the $9 trillion budget deficit. Does this mean Times editors and reporters will now apologize to John McCain for claiming that Obama would only raise taxes on "the rich"? The Times made a full-throated call for a broad tax hike: So far, the…
Top 10 Lowlights of the New York Times from Campaign
December 29th, 2008 11:15 AM
History will tell that the New York Times actually endorsed John McCain as its preferred Republican nominee, albeit in a hold-your-nose fashion. History will also tell that the paper began souring on its former favorite "maverick" and moderate Republican almost immediately after he clinched the nomination and becoming the only thing standing between the White House and a historic Democratic…
Don't Cross Obama: NYT's Larry Rohter Takes Wrench to 'Joe the Plumber
October 17th, 2008 5:01 PM
Embarrass Obama, and expect the liberal media to go after you, no matter who you are: That's what National Review journalist Byron York warned early Thursday afternoon. He was quickly proven right by a story from reporter Larry Rohter in Friday's New York Times, "Real Deal On Plumber Reveals New Slant," in which Rohter took a wrench to Joe Wurzelbacher (aka "Joe the Plumber"), the citizen who…
NYT's Larry Rohter Rides to Obama's Defense Again
July 22nd, 2008 3:50 PM
New York Times reporter Larry Rohter once again rode to Barack Obama's defense in Tuesday's "Ad Campaign" watch, a review of John McCain's latest TV ad accusing Obama of letting gas prices rise. In "McCain Links Obama and High Gas Prices," Rohter eviscerated McCain's ad for daring to blame Obama for rising gas prices. From the script of the ad, quoted by Rohter:Gas prices. $4, $5, no end in sight…
NYT Doesn't Cite Anyone in Assertion That 'Some' Say Obama's Plans Don
June 13th, 2008 9:35 AM
New York Times's Larry Rohter today asked the question "Will the Real Tax and Spender Please 'Fess Up?" Fortunately, he tells us what the answer is, even though he has no facts to support it. He has this wonderful little nugget, in which he tries to refute John McCain's statement with two points: Some question whether Mr. Obama’s tax plan can even be characterized as an increase. Some also argue…
NYT Double Standard Alert: GOP 'Death Tax' in Quotes, Dem 'Windfall Pr
June 11th, 2008 12:18 PM
In Wednesday's off-lead story by Michael Cooper and Larry Rohter, the New York Times found both McCain and Obama retreating to home base when it comes to economic solutions. But the Times' unconscious embrace of liberal conventional wisdom was evident in how it treated much-argued political terms like "windfall profits", "the death tax," and even "victory" in Iraq. Bush's mild tax cuts were seen…