Zachary Karabell

Politico Editor: Falling GDP Is Good
June 26th, 2015 2:33 PM
We have always been at war with Eastasia. ---Ministry of Truth, 1984.
Falling GDP is good. It has always been good. And now that GDP has fallen in the first quarter and economic prospects don't look good for the near future, Politico's contributing editor, Zachary Karabell has discovered that falling GDP is good. In fact the title of this directive issued from the Politico Ministry of Truth flat…

At Politico Mag, Undisclosed Dem Donor Covers Obama and Middle Class
January 26th, 2015 11:28 AM
It would seem that the conversation at Politico went something like this: "Hey, we need to hit the Obama administration for the havoc its policies have wreaked on the middle class. But we can't go after them too hard, because that might burn some bridges, and we'll lose our stenographer — er, journalistic — access. So we need to use someone sympathetic to Democrats who will know how not to go…
Across the Board, Networks 'Cherry-Pick' Housing Data
May 28th, 2008 4:44 PM
As of late, the networks just can't get enough of bad housing news, seizing each opportunity to make a point how bad the American economy is. Each of the network news broadcasts on May 27 - ABC, CBS and NBC - took the news that home prices fell 14 percent in the first quarter of 2008, despite the news that new home sales rose an unexpected 3.3 percent in April from March, to portray the…