Rasmussen Reports

The NPR-Listening ‘Elite 1%’
Consider this proposition: “Suppose that your favorite candidate loses a close election. However, people on the campaign know that they can win by cheating without being caught. Would you rather have your candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fair?” Just 7% of Americans said, “Win by cheating.” This is from a startling new Scott Rasmussen poll.

POLL: Dem Voters Least Concerned About Gov’t Online Speech Censorship
Democrat voters are the least worried that the government will use the guise of fighting misinformation and hate speech to censor political dissent on the Internet and social media, a new national survey reveals.

MEDIA FAIL: Poll Shows 51% of Americans Have ‘Negative’ View of Soros
A majority of Americans are rejecting the media’s attempts to shield leftist billionaire activist George Soros from criticism and cast his opponents as anti-Semites.

Even 74% of Dem Voters Believe Big Tech Censors Due to Political Bias
Three-fourths all U.S. likely voters think that social media companies like Facebook are censoring content because of political bias, and three-fourths of Democrat voters agree, but Democrats are much less likely to want Congress to do anything about it – and much more concerned about so-called “misinformation” posted on social media sites.
Survey: Most Say Musk Will Improve Twitter, Will Start Using It More
Americans largely think Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter will make it better, and that they’ll use it more often, now that the free-speech billionaire has purchased the giant social media platform.
Polls: Media Distrust News on Social, But Americans Distrust Media
Legacy media professionals say the mix of news people see on social media platforms is one-sided, inaccurate and one-sided – just the way Americans say they view the legacy news media.

Editor’s Pick: CNSNews on 58% of Voters Not Trusting CNN
On Tuesday, CNSNews Blog Editor Craig Bannister reported: “CNN has long claimed to be ‘The Most Trusted Name in News’ – but, a strong majority of voters say it’s not, a new Rasmussen survey reveals.” He explained: “The national survey of 1,000 U.S. likely voters, conducted February 3 and 6, 2022, finds that 58% disagree with the network’s boast.”

57% of Dems Want Big Tech to Ensure 'Some People Are Not Offended'
While a slim majority of Americans still want social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to allow unrestricted free speech on their platforms, a solid majority of Democrats want the platforms to regulate content that might offend “some people,” a new survey by Rasmussen Reports finds.

Editor’s Pick: CNS Covers Poll Showing HUGE Support for Two Genders
Our friends at CNS News have a piece from Monday that gave hope to anyone who believes in what should be seen as both a basic fact and uncontroversial stance set forth by God: there are only genders in man and woman. CNS News managing editor Michael Chapman has the details thanks to Rasmussen as they tied the poll to the fact that Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has faced a torrent of…
Only 11% of Voters Are Very Confident Social Media Censorship Is Fair
Only one in nine U.S. likely voters are very confident that social media censor questionable content in a fair and unbiased way, while nearly half have no trust at all that it will do so, a new Rasmussen survey finds.
Rasmussen: 61% of Users Say Social Media Is Bad for US Politics
More than three-fourths of social media users do not believe most of what they read on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

Rasmussen Poll: 48 Percent Say Media Biased Against Trump

Rasmussen Poll: Only 29% Trust Media 'Fact Checking' of Candidates