Google Buries Trump Campaign Website After Bombshell Trial Verdict

June 4th, 2024 1:17 PM

Google buried former President Trump's campaign website in search results after a guilty verdict in a case backed by George Soros-supported prosecutor Alvin Bragg. Despite Trump's donation website experiencing high traffic, it didn't appear on the first page of Google search results a day after the verdict. An analysis by MRC Free Speech America found all other 2024 presidential candidates'…

When Radicals Cheer Self-Immolation

March 1st, 2024 4:35 PM

This week, a mentally disturbed anarchist and active-duty Air Force member named Aaron Bushnell lit himself on fire and proceeded to burn himself to death while shouting “Free Palestine” in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. In his suicide note, he explained just why he had self-immolated: “My name is Aaron Bushnell, and I am an active-duty member of the United States Air Force.…

Israel-Hamas Conflict Leads Big Tech’s WORST Censorship of Oct. List

November 3rd, 2023 12:45 PM

Winter is coming, but Big Tech censorship is not going into hibernation. This past month of October, Big Tech giants continued their anti-free speech efforts.


NY Post to Psaki: Isn’t Biden Culpable in Creating ‘Systemic Racism?’

April 21st, 2021 7:01 PM

Near the end of Wednesday’s White House press briefing, the New York Post’s Steven Nelson irked Press Secretary Jen Psaki with a basic question about whether President Biden “acknowledge[s] his own role” in major crime legislation that leftists argue contributed to the “systemic racism” his administration has claimed they will work to eradicate.

Tiffany Cross Gyasi Ross MSNBC The Cross Connection 4-3-21

MSNBC Guest: Sorry I'm Not 'Woke' Enough To Approve Attacking Cops

April 3rd, 2021 1:47 PM

You know the left is on the verge when someone who's a progressive activist, a Bernie Sanders supporter, and an outspoken opponent of "white privilege" has to apologize for not being "woke" enough to approve the prospect of civilians attacking police! Yet that's precisely what happened on MSNBC this morning.


CNN's Cooper Repeatedly Fails to Make Black Guests Call Trump Racist

August 6th, 2018 11:31 PM
On Monday evening, CNN’s Anderson Cooper endured the political equivalent of banging one’s head against a wall as his guests repeatedly disagreed with his framing of President Trump as a racist for questioning the intelligence of NBA star LeBron James. In a segment near the end of his 8:00 p.m. Eastern show, a frustrated Cooper repeatedly saw his narrative shot down by two black guests, neither…

CNN's Cuomo Boosts Hillary Hitting Bernie from Left on Gun Control

February 22nd, 2016 4:24 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo touted Hillary Clinton's attack on Bernie Sanders on gun control during an interview of Sanders supporter Cornel West: "She [Clinton] says... I voted for the Brady Bill; Bernie Sanders voted against it many times. He wanted to protect gun manufacturers." When West shot back that the Vermont socialist has "a D-minus when it comes to the NRA," and that Clinton…

NPR Anchor Skips Obama In Interview With Leftist Anti-Obama Professor

November 2nd, 2014 8:40 PM
In the October 13 edition of Time, they asked radical-left black professor Cornel West if he voted for Obama in 2012, and he said he couldn’t vote for a “war criminal.” NPR promoted this radical leftist on Saturday morning’s Weekend Edition, but in six minutes and 22 seconds, never mentioned the president or the 2014 elections. This syrupy interview promoting West’s book Black Prophetic Fire…

Public-Radio Professor 'Couldn't Vote for a War Criminal' (Obama)

October 7th, 2014 5:46 PM
In an interview with Time for 10 Questions in the October 13 edition, Time’s Belinda Luscombe asked Marxist professor (and for a while, Tavis Smiley’s public radio co-host) Cornel West whether he voted for Obama in 2012.  West replied "I couldn't vote for a war criminal. He's tied to war crimes and drones dropping bombs on innocent people."

Religion of Liberalism: Washington Post's 'On Faith' Blog

March 12th, 2012 11:31 AM
The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog network bills itself as “a conversation on religion and politics.” But the conversation of “On Faith” more accurately resembles a diatribe justifying liberal politics with religious imagery.  During this past week, Becky Garrison claimed that Christian actor Kirk Cameron was not a Christian because he opposes homosexual marriage, and Lisa Miller…

NPR, Where They Sneer at the 'Vanilla Side of Town' and Laugh at 'Kill

February 14th, 2012 4:37 PM
NPR is supposed to be a very, very civil space to talk. But apparently not when NPR stations air the weekend talk show of PBS star Tavis Smiley and his Marxist professor friend, Cornel West. Brian Maloney at the Radio Equalizer was disturbed by West alleging the media and the politicians only care about the "vanilla side of town" and the hosts were "laughing hysterically at a 'kill Whitey' joke…

PBS Host Singles Out GOP Candidates for Hostility to Poor, 'We're In a

January 12th, 2012 3:26 PM
PBS host and leftist activist Tavis Smiley called out Republican candidates for their hostility to the poor in America, on Thursday morning on MSNBC. Appearing during the 7 a.m. hour of Morning Joe, he singled out four candidates by name and warned that "we're in a world of trouble" due to their campaign trail rhetoric. As a PBS host, Smiley benefits from public funding. That has not stopped…

CNN Hosts Liberal Activists Who Bash Santorum, Gingrich for 'Verbal Wa

January 11th, 2012 6:06 PM
Hosting two far-left activists, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux teed them up with "controversial" quotes from Republican presidential hopefuls that she said "people found quite offensive and strange." The interview with PBS's Tavis Smiley and Princeton professor Cornel West aired during the 12 p.m. hour of Newsroom. [Video below the break. Click here for audio.] Unsurprisingly, the duo bashed…

Psycho Talk! Someone Actually Suggested It - President Ed Schultz

October 21st, 2011 3:44 PM
... That someone being Cornel West, who used to be a respected scholar unless he decided to focus on full-time engagement as a provocateur. On "The Ed Show" last night, West was talking with host Ed Schultz about Occupy Wall Street, his arrest outside of the Supreme Court, and GOP presidential candidates when he said this (video below page break) --