Roxanne Roberts

WashPost Gets Leg Thrill from 'Spectacular Rise' of Lincoln Project
August 3rd, 2020 3:01 PM
Is there such a thing as Conservatives for Biden? Conservatives for the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and Defunding the Police? Would liberals not choke at the brain-taxing idea of Liberals for Trump? But the Washington Post gushed over the "spectacular rise" of the Lincoln Project.

WashPost: Kids Ballet Gets Booted from Stage Thanks to Obama 'Hardball
December 5th, 2013 1:05 PM
A Washington, D.C. childrens ballet troupe was given the boot last night and this evening thanks in no small part to President Obama and the folks at MSNBC.
The Washington Post's Roxanne Roberts reported this morning in her Reliable Source column how the Ballet Petite -- which is scheduled to perform The Nutcracker Suite on Sunday -- lost their use of American University's Greenberg Theatre…

WashPost Gossip Page Gushes Over New Emanuel Brothers Book
January 30th, 2013 4:13 PM
They're "the hottest brother act since the Kennedys: tougher than the Mannings, smarter than the Baldwins, more profane than the Sheens," gush Washington Post gossip columnists Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger in today's The Reliable Source lead item headlined "Showing the love of tough brothers."
"Get ready -- the Emanuel boys are taking their show on the road," Roberts and Argetsinger…

WashPost Hails 'Princely' $6,800 Jacket Michelle Obama Wears, While
July 30th, 2012 7:54 AM
On Monday morning, Washington Post gossips Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger hailed Michelle Obama the fashion plate with the headline "Fit For a Queen (Truly)." For a reception at Buckingham Palace for heads of state, Mrs. Obama wore a "very fancy" jacket priced at a "princely $6,800." Readers could exhale, the American now fits in.
The very same Washington Post greeted the GOP nominee's…

WashPost's Wemple Thinks Spike Lee Has Atoned for Maliciously Seeking
March 31st, 2012 8:25 PM
Spike Lee erroneously tweeting the address of an unrelated elderly couple, rather than George Zimmerman, was a "mean, boneheaded, thoughtless and harmful thing to do." But alas, he's shown, and tweeted contrition, Washington Post's Erik Wemple blogged approvingly yesterday. Heck, Lee even "repeated the apology in a phone call, a conversation that left the couple feeling better about the ordeal…

WashPost Notes Louis C.K. Dropping Out of RTCA Dinner, Omits Foul 'Ret
March 12th, 2012 11:56 AM
In their March 12 gossip column The Reliable Source, the Washington Post's Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts noted how comedian Louis C.K. on Friday evening canceled his scheduled gig at the Radio & TV Correspondents' Association dinner slated for June 8. Yet in covering the controversy for their article headlined "Too edgy for D.C.'s media," Argetsinger and Roberts tiptoed around the…

WaPo Exults That Bill Clinton Is 'Charlie Sheen Without the Crazy... a
March 8th, 2011 10:44 AM
To Washington Post staffers Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger, former president Bill Clinton is "Charlie Sheen without the crazy, a polymath with no 'stop' button -- and, yeah, a total bitchin' rock star."
That's how the gossip columnists cooed about Clinton's appearance at Sunday's Kuwait-America Foundation dinner in their March 8 The Reliable Source feature.
Is the Left More Hip Than the Rest of US
June 16th, 2009 11:58 AM
Washington, DC is considered more hip whenever the power balance shifts to the left. I didn't say that - Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts of the Washington Post's Reliable Source column said it. Wow! WaPo writers acknowledge that the snoberati equate hipness and style with leftist politics. "Our examination of the evidence suggests that his [Obama's] influence on the city's cool/host…
Bill Clinton Fresh with 'The Nanny', WaPo Gossip Column Misses Story
May 20th, 2009 12:45 PM
Updated at bottom of post.Did the former womanizer-in-chief pat The Nanny on the fanny? Numerous blogs and newspapers are asking that question thanks to a photo of former President Bill Clinton with his hand over actress Fran Drescher's posterior. Today's "The Reliable Source" column in the Washington Post notes Bill Clinton's global jetsetting and charity fundraising, mentioning the appearance…
WaPo Notes Obama Balls Gone Flat, Previously Noted Same of Inaugural R
January 20th, 2009 1:02 PM
"Don't you hate it when you pop a bottle of champagne and it's flat? So, too, with some of these inaugural balls," Washington Post gossip gals Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts alerted their readers in the January 20 edition of "The Reliable Source."While none of the official PIC balls have been cancelled, the unofficial ones that have been cancelled or are on life support to be the ones geared…