
LAME Briefing: Reuters Invokes Islamophobia, USA Today Cheers Kamala

August 1st, 2024 10:41 AM

Wednesday’s White House press briefing not only featured two special guests to help prop up the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre (Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and national security flack John Kirby), but there were a number of silly questions about climate change, Islamophobia, fawning over Kamala Harris, and live reaction to former President being ambushed at the National Association of…


Don’t Care: AP Frets to KJP That Joe Got New COVID Booster in Private

September 26th, 2023 10:11 AM

As the liberal media hawk the latest COVID-19 booster shot and begin their latest fear-mongering campaign ahead of the holidays, the Associated Press’s Will Weissert served as the standard bearer during Monday’s White House press briefing as he opened the Q&A for the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by fretting that President Biden didn’t get his umpteenth booster in public.…

Editor’s Pick: Foldi Blows Lid Off Biden Scandal the Nets Won’t Touch

May 31st, 2023 1:59 PM

In a piece published Wednesday morning at the Washington Examiner, our friend Matthew Foldi exposed how the far-left dark money group Arabella Advisors has expanded its tentacles to capture the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the point that it works hand-in-glove with the USDA’s Secretary, Tom Vilsack.

Ho Hum: $6.2B in Improper Payments at USDA, Three Straight Years of Le

April 30th, 2014 7:17 PM
When several members of Congress set out in the early 1990s to improve fiscal reporting and internal controls in the federal government, one thing they certainly had a right to expect is that the press would report on lapses as embarrassments, and that otherwise nonchalant or reluctant bureaucrats would figure out that it would be in their best interest to tighten their ships. It hasn't…

From the 'I Thought I'd Seen It All' Dept.: Magician Must Have Disaste

June 30th, 2013 1:41 PM
Ozark, Missouri-based children's magician Marty Hahne uses a three-pound rabbit in his magic act. In a development which probably won't become a news story because it makes the government look bad, Hahne has informed blogger Bob McCarty that "I just received an 8 page letter from the USDA, telling me that by July 29 I need to have in place a written disaster plan, detailing all the steps I…

Shirley Sherrod Rejects Return to USDA; Media Rejects Reporting Releva

August 24th, 2010 6:34 PM
The theater of the Sherrods continues. Earlier today, Shirley Sherrod, who, according to the current version of ruling class wisdom, was prematurely evacuated from the USDA by Director Tom Vilsack, decided not to accept an offer to return to the agency. Instead, according to Politico's Matt Negrin, "she hasn’t accepted the department’s offer to work there again, but that she wants 'some type of…

NYT Implies Fox to Blame for Sherrod, But White House Acted Before Sto

July 23rd, 2010 7:33 AM
The New York Times on Thursday picked through the sordid saga of Shirley Sherrod, fired from her post at the U.S. Department of Agriculture after a clip of a speech to a gathering of a rural chapter of the Georgia NAACP appeared to show her hostility toward a white farmer seeking assistance. A full version of the speech shows that was a set-up to Sherrod's tale of racial reconciliation, though…

Olbermann: Sherrod was 'Assassinated by Fox News and That Scum Breitba

July 22nd, 2010 1:19 AM
UPDATE at end of post: Glenn Beck skewers Olbermann for this pathetic rant!Keith Olbermann interrupted his much-needed vacation Wednesday to surprise his few viewers with a "Special Comment" about the forced resignation of USDA official Shirley Sherrod.Quite predictably, his greater than twelve minute tirade largely focused on Fox News and Andrew Breitbart -- the latter repeatedly referred to as…

Image Of Impotence: Obama Admin Can't Get Sherrod On The Phone

July 21st, 2010 3:44 PM
Operator, oh could you help me place this call?You see the number on the matchbook is old and faded.  Jim Croce, 'Operator,' 1972The Obama administration, the folks that want to run our health care and who knows how much else of our economy and our lives, can't get a simple phone call through to one of its former officials.In this afternoon's press conference, White House press secretary…

Vilsack Croons Hillary's 'Change' Chorus

December 18th, 2007 1:34 PM
As noted here, Chris Matthews yesterday named former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack a member of Hillary's "eunuchs chorus," people he derided for "saying whatever the Clinton people told them to say." Today, Matthews might be claiming vindication. In an MSNBC interview with Andrea Mitchell, Vilsack parroted Hillary's word-'o-the-week--"change"--no fewer than eight times. View the edited video clip of…

Plant-Gate Grows: Is Clinton Campaign Telling Truth About What Hillary

November 12th, 2007 6:59 PM
UPDATE: 11-13 9:35 AM: Did Hillary answer a second planted question at the event? See foot.What did Hillary Clinton know about the planted question in Iowa and when did she know it?The Clinton campaign and apparently Clinton herself are denying she had any idea she was calling on a plant. But according to information in the New York Times, Clinton campaign aides had in fact prompted her to call…