Rosemary Lehmberg

'Some Say' TX Gov. Rick Perry Had It Coming, as NY Times Desperately T
August 28th, 2014 8:27 AM
The New York Times tried to keep the politicized hit job against Texas Gov. Rick Perry alive in Wednesday's edition, insisting the dubious partisan indictment (from a Democratic district attorney's office that has filed failed charges against prominent national GOP figures) actually has merit, with a "complicated back story" and "deep roots," while pouting that Perry's team has had "…

Bob Beckel: Fellow Dems Defending Perry Are 'Wusses
August 19th, 2014 9:02 PM
Liberals and even far-leftists who would normally be inclined to cheer political attacks on Republicans and conservatives have been distancing themselves from last Friday's indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry. Former Clinton special counsel Lanny Davis, lawyer Alan Dershowitz (this "what happens in totalitarian societies"), and former Obama White House advisor David Axelrod are just a few…
Despite Vicious Swipes Against Perry, Even NYT Sides With Him Against
August 19th, 2014 11:45 AM
One of the editorials in Tuesday’s New York Times took on the subject of Texas Governor Rick Perry’s indictment by a Travis County, Texas grand jury on charges for threatening to veto funding for a public integrity unit led by the Travis County district attorney who had been convicted of drunk driving. While the ultra-liberal newspaper used the opportunity to excoriate Perry (R) for being “one…

Overexcited NYT Claims Dubious Gov. Perry Indictment 'Major Roadblock
August 16th, 2014 9:46 PM
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016, was indicted by a county grand jury for abuse of power, after threatening to cut off state funding to a public corruption unit unless the district attorney in charge of it resigned. Perry had pushed for the removal of DA Rosemary Lehmberg after her arrest for drunk driving.
The indictment predictably made the front…

'Moderate' Voice Fails to State Why Rick Perry Pushed for DA Removal
August 16th, 2014 6:10 PM
One should always put the "Moderate" in Moderate Voice in quotes. Why? Because they are a Liberal Voice masquerading as a "Moderate" Voice. It's a nice little shtick to hide their real agenda but sometimes they get a little too obvious in the attempt to hide their inner Liberal.
A good example is the Moderate Voice story about Texas Governor Rick Perry getting indicted by a Travis County…