
Rapinoe Blamed For Subway’s Sharp Decline In Franchises
What’s that bad taste in Subway’s mouth? It’s the bitter flavor of a fast-shrinking franchise and the fall-out from hiring the notorious Megan Rapinoe as a national pitch-woman. Subway is losing franchises hand over foot, and its Rapinoe ad campaign is getting some of the blame for the company driving customers away.
Red Card! Subway, Customers Want Rapinoe Out As Ad Spokesman
Subway franchises are demanding the home office call a red card on soccer radical Megan Rapinoe. They and some of their customers want Subway to pull ads featuring Rapinoe, one of which involves her kicking a ball at a man, knocking the burrito out of his hands and telling him to order a Subway sandwich instead. The ad campaign began this spring and opposition to it is growing.

WaPo World Cup Sneer: Subway 'Infested All Corners of Brazil