Pamela Paul

Maher On Trump's Two Sexes Order: 'Trump Has Gone Way Too Far'
HBO’s Bill Maher doubled down on Friday’s episode of Real Time on his fallacious appeal to the center argument that President Donald Trump “has gone way too far” in issuing an executive order that says there are only two sexes.

UH-OH: New York Times Columnist Hammers the Left on Opinion Diversity
You couldn't see this tweet without immediately suspecting that the Wokesters inside the New York Times -- the ones that threw an unholy fit over Tom Cotton's op-ed on rioters -- were going to mobilize again. The Times published a column titled "When Diversity Isn't the Right Kind of Diversity."

Stelter Claims Media People Find Chris Wallace, Bret Baier 'Complicit'
CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter has a book out, stuffed with anonymous sources, ranting about Fox News and President Trump. As you can tell by the title, it’s just the sort of even-handed account one could expect from an objective host of a media show at CNN: HOAX -- Donald Trump, Fox News and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth. Stelter was guest on a friendly N…

More Like Venezuela: NYT Book Review Says It's ‘Political Switzerland'