
Google Turns Up Heat on Trump Nominees, Continues to Rig Results
Google’s relentless PR campaign against President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees is still ongoing. The Media Research Center has caught the search giant rigging the results for a fifth consecutive week.

NYT Dismissed Kamala Plagiarism, But Demands Action When Own Work Used
Under a week after the New York Times dismissed Kamala Harris’s book plagiarism by attacking the “seizing” investigator Christopher Rufo as possibly racist for bringing it to light, the Times has gotten tough on a writer guilty of a very similar offense. It turns out that sometimes borrowing material verbatim is objectionable to the Times -- at least when…

NY Times, ProPublica Scare Lefties About Texas Billionaire 'Theocrats'
The headline writers for the 6,000-word expose in the New York Times Magazine by Ava Kofman (in partnership with the liberal nonprofit newsroom ProPublica) certainly know how to scare the paper's liberal readership: “How Two Billionaire Preachers Remade Texas Politics -- They control Republican politics in the state. Now they’re poised to take their theocratic agenda…

Networks Hype Harris Spreading ProPublica's Smear Against Pro-Lifers
The Friday evening newscasts of the big three networks of ABC, NBC, and CBS all hyped Vice President Kamala Harris using a discredited ProPublica story about Georgia’s pro-life law killing women. In the case of ABC and CBS, the hyping would continue on the Saturday morning shows.

Reid Spreads ProPublica's Fake News About Pro-Life Laws Killing Women
ProPublica has taken a break from generating fake controversies about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in order to start generating fake controversies about pro-life laws. Recently, the outlet highlighted Georgian women Candi Miller and Amber Nicole Thurman, who they claimed died as a result of the state’s pro-life laws, despite there being no reason for such a conclusion. On Wednesday,…

Wall Street Journal vs. CNN, Pro Publica On Justice Thomas
Talk about refreshing.

PBS, ProPublica Insult Justice Thomas:‘He's Always Wanted to Get Paid’
The Thursday evening PBS NewsHour showcased the latest attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a two-pronged attack, hosting Joel Anderson of the Slate podcast "Slow Burn" and Brett Murphy from ProPublica to talk about that outlet’s latest glossy attack on the conservative Supreme Court justice. Using ProPublica’s obsessive scoops as ammunition, PBS has…

Mike Lee Blasts Soros-Funded ProPublica for Attacks on Thomas
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) went scorched earth on the massive George Soros-affiliated machine that went after Justice Clarence Thomas.

ProPublica SCOTUS Ethics Stories Rely on Staunch Democrat Experts
The investigative reporting group "ProPublica" has an obvious leftist tilt, most recently against conservative justices at the Supreme Court. The Daily Caller reported seven of the nine ethics experts the group cited in stories on Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have collectively given over $100,000 to Democratic campaigns and left-wing causes.

Wall Street Journal: ProPublica's 'Comically Incompetent' on Thomas
Liberal journalists deeply hate Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, so the latest liberal-funded journalism by ProPublica has been promoted by other media outlets. But Wall Street Journal editorial features editor James Taranto savagely criticized this reporting on Friday under the headline "Justice Clarence Thomas and the Plague of Bad Reporting."

PBS Uses Thomas to Push Reporter’s Book Warning of Scary Righty SCOTUS
CNN Supreme Court analyst Joan Biskupic gives off a Nina Totenberg vibe, a longtime legal reporter who's all about diminishing the conservatives. So it's only natural that she was invited on the CNN/PBS-aired talk show Amanpour & Co. The news hook was a ProPublica probe into Clarence Thomas and his ritzy travel with a GOP "megadonor."

Bozell Calls Out Leftist Media for Sitting on Bankman-Fried Money
As news outlets showed no indication Thursday that they planned to return millions of dollars in reported donations by disgraced FTX owner Sam Bankman-Fried, MRC founder and President Brent Bozell called for at least five media organizations to return those contributions.

Soros-Funded ProPublica Slams ‘Right-Wing’ for Sinking Orwellian DGB
The George Soros-funded ProPublica is scolding the Biden administration for supposedly caving to Republicans in the so-called “disinformation” fight with just days to go before the midterms.

Soros-Funded ProPublica Admits Validity of COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory
In October, a leftist outlet funded by liberal billionaire George Soros shockingly poked holes in Communist Chinese Party (CCP), Big Tech and liberal media propaganda that the COVID-19 lab leak theory was debunked. ProPublica’s story revealed a lab team in chaos, operating with “no equipment and technology standards, no design and construction teams, and no experience operating or maintaining…