Minimum Wage

CBS’s Dickerson: Hillary Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Is ‘A Stupid Issue’
April 22nd, 2016 1:41 PM
In Slate’s weekly “Political Gabfest” podcast, CBS News political director and Face the Nation host John Dickerson proclaimed that Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal is “a stupid issue” unlike the debate over a $15 minimum wage because that’s “the central question of the campaign, which is how do you help people with wages.”
Post Front-Page Admission: $15 Minimum Wage Would Threaten Jobs
August 17th, 2015 12:16 PM
Given the liberal media’s push for a higher minimum wage, The Washington Post made a startling front-page admission on Aug. 17.
That Post story pointed out that raising the minimum wage to $15, as the “Fight for $15” activists have been calling for, “could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants” and kill millions of jobs in the industry.
Networks Ignore 'Backlash' Caused by Companys $70k Minimum Wage
August 3rd, 2015 3:56 PM
The man called America’s “Boss of the Year” (at least, by ABC News) is facing problems, including a staff exodus, after giving a massive to boost to many of his employees’ salaries.
Seattle-based Gravity Payments CEO Dan Price announced in April 2015 that he would implement a minimum $70,000 salary for all his employees. Back then, ABC, NBC and CBS pounced on the story and praised Price. Reporter Initially Omits Big Labor Connection to Minimum Wag
July 10th, 2014 4:45 PM
MSNBC is not limited to televised displays of liberal bias. On the economics page of, reporter Ned Resnikoff published an article earlier today entitled “Gap between minimum wage and tipped wage hits record high.” The All In with Chris Hayes contributor cited a new report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) claiming that tipped workers make a “significantly lower than the overall…

MSNBC Host Compares Wal-Mart Wage Earners with Civil Rights Marchers
June 23rd, 2014 4:30 PM
MSNBC has been covering President Obama’s White House Summit on Working Families intently thus far today, and the trend continued on the June 23 edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports. Guest host Peter Alexander brought on Charmaine Givens-Thomas to discuss her efforts in petitioning President Obama to set up a meeting with Wal-Mart workers to highlight low wages, inequality, and the lack of…
Oops! Leftist Editor Admits Obama's Minimum Wage Order Affects 'Handfu
February 4th, 2014 6:22 PM
Liberals have become obsessed with raising the mandated minimum wage, the better to divert attention from the minimal competence of the Obama administration.
Appearing yesterday on Ed Schultz's radio show, Ruth Conniff, political editor of the Progressive magazine, apparently forgot that her remarks would be broadcast over the airwaves when the two were discussing the left's most recent…

PBS’s Smiley Attacks ‘Milquetoast,’ ‘Spineless’ Democrats fo
February 27th, 2013 5:18 PM
Tavis Smiley, PBS’s resident liberal activist, unleashed his anger against the Democratic Party on his talk show last night. In a conversation with California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Smiley bemoaned the lack of increase in the federal minimum wage in recent years, attacking Democrats from the left: “Why has your party, the Democrats in Washington, the Democrat as president in the White House…