Kristen Stewart

Excuses, Excuses: Feminist Movie Flop ‘Reinforces a Stereotype’
November 19th, 2019 8:25 AM
Radical pro-abortion activist Elizabeth Banks’ Charlie’s Angels reboot was a huge flop over the weekend with the $50 million movie coming in third at the box office and only bringing in a little over $8 million. The reason for the film’s disastrous opening, according to Banks? Sexism.

Actress Kristen Stewart Calls Her Pansexuality Part of ‘Evolution'
September 3rd, 2019 1:17 PM
Traditional sexual and gender norms have no relevance in pop culture anymore. We’re past the point where the rebellious phases of youth are seen as just that, and now they’re lauded as some sort of standard that older folks need to adhere to, lest they be called fascists. Though is it really that convincing that since Miley Cyrus and Kristin Stewart can’t stay with a man, “heterosexuality is just…

Kristen Stewart: Tired of Seeing Hetero Films ‘All the ‘F**king Time’
April 26th, 2019 4:20 PM
Hollywood may be one big sexually perverse cesspool, but for it’s languid denizens, it’s still not weird enough. Bisexual actress Kristen Stewart had a lot to say about LGBTQ representation in Hollywood this past week, demanding that the tired old straight people angle needs to go in favor of a whole new set of gay fictional material.

Actress Kristen Stewart: My Gun Control Movie is ‘Going to Kick Ass’
January 21st, 2017 8:30 AM
Actress Kristen Stewart is really excited about her next project and she swears it’s “going to kick ass.” But given the topic matter, it’s bound to be a flop. While promoting her new movie Come Swim at the Sundance film festival, the Twilight star, on Friday, told The Hollywood Reporter: “My next thing is going to kick ass. It’s about gun control.”
Statutory Rape 'On The Road
December 13th, 2012 3:48 PM
The film adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s famous 1957 beat generation novel “On the Road” hits theaters on Dec. 21, and audiences will be treated to a variety of sex scenes involving Kristen Stewart’s 15 year-old-character Marylou.
“Kristen Stewart goes to bed with two men at the same time, gives both of them simultaneous hand jobs in the front seat of a car and performs oral sex on one of them…