Colton Dixon

Special Report: Taking ‘Christ’ Out of Christmas
December 11th, 2012 11:41 AM
Christmas: a season of generosity, good cheer, preparation for Christ’s birth – and a swarm of lawyers seeking to purge any mention of Christianity from the public square.
Every Christmas, the so-called secular community starts shrieking whenever any mention of religion is brought into the public eye. Lawyers successfully targeted a school’s performance of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas.’ Even…

Christian Contestant Ignores American Idol Producers, Says 'God, Use M
March 22nd, 2012 2:11 AM
As NewsBusters reported last Friday, the producers of the hit show American Idol warned contestant Colton Dixon to tone down his overtly Christian references if he wanted to win the competition.
Dixon clearly didn't heed their advice, for after his incredible performance of Billy Joel's "Piano Man" Wednesday, he told host Ryan Seacrest, "I’ve been praying before this whole thing because…

American Idol Producers Tell Contestant to Tone Down Christian Referen
March 16th, 2012 4:20 PM
The producers of the hit show American Idol apparently told one of its top contestants to tone down his overtly Christian references if he wants to win the competition.
According to, Colton Dixon doesn't care and "plans to continue using the show and social media to spread his message of faith":