Tim Kaine

ABC, NBC Brush Off Kaine Interruptions, Sacrificed Himself for Hillary
October 5th, 2016 12:27 AM
In the moments following Tuesday’s lone 2016 vice presidential debate, ABC and NBC did their best to offer an overarching spin that while Democratic Senator Tim Kaine (Va.) constantly and in many cases rudely interrupted Republican Governor Mike Pence (Ind.) and moderator Elaine Quijano, the debate won’t matter much to final result and Kaine actually won despite his lack of decorum.

Shocked Matthews: 'Excellent' Pence 'Wins' vs. 'Desperate' Kaine
October 5th, 2016 12:02 AM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday night shocked his liberal viewers by declaring that the “eloquent,” “excellent” Mike Pence “won” the vice presidential debate over a “desperate” Tim Kaine. The Hardball host did not hold back as he bashed, “Kaine was a little bit, I don't know what the right word is, a little desperate there, jumping in all the time, always trying to get his points. He didn't…

MRC's Bozell: Pence Won Debate Despite Quijano's Best Efforts
October 4th, 2016 11:11 PM
Following Tuesday’s vice presidential debate between Democratic Senator Tim Kaine (Va.) and Indiana Republican Governor Mike Pence (Ind.), Media Research Center president Brent Bozell released a statement on his belief that Pence won despite questioning from CBS News correspondent and moderator Elaine Quijano.

Maddow: Mike Pence Is a ‘Hard-Line, Hard-Core, Religious Right Guy'
October 4th, 2016 9:01 PM
Using the most loaded language she could muster, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday described Mike Pence as a “hard-line, hard-core, religious right guy.” Previewing the vice presidential debate, she also insisted that there are “policy differences” on abortion between Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton.

Maddow Producer: If Pence Is a ‘Normal’ GOPer, the Party’s ‘Unhealthy’
October 4th, 2016 6:11 PM
In a post headlined “To See Mike Pence as ‘Normal’ Is to Grade on a Generous Curve,” Steve Benen, who's also the primary blogger for the TRMS website, sought to demolish the idea that Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate will feature what Politico called “two conventional pols.” “As a matter of tone and temperament, Mike Pence is hardly scary: the governor is a mild-mannered, soft-spoken…

CBS's Rose Badgers Conway, Uses Hillary's 'Genius' Jab At Trump
October 4th, 2016 1:39 PM
Charlie Rose repeatedly promoted Hillary Clinton's latest attack on Donald Trump during an interview of Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Rose wondered, "Secretary Clinton said yesterday, what kind of a genius loses a billion dollars in the first place, so they get this kind of tax carryforward?" When Conway tried to answer, Rose interrupted and again asked, "What about losing a…

NBC: Pence Needs ‘Mop’ to ‘Clean Up’ Trump’s ‘Many Controversies'
October 4th, 2016 11:56 AM
Ahead of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate, NBC’s Today spent the morning putting all the pressure on Indiana Governor Mike Pence to “clean up” after Donald Trump and predicted that the Republican running mate would be stuck on “defense” all evening.

Where’s the Veep? TV News Gives Short Shrift to Pence and Kaine
October 4th, 2016 9:10 AM
For 90 minutes Tuesday night, the media spotlight will be aimed squarely at Indiana Governor Mike Pence and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the Republican and Democratic vice presidential candidates. And, unless one of them makes a colossal mistake during their debate, it will probably be the last time either candidate gets much national TV attention this year.

New York Times Hails 'Devout' Faith of Tim Kaine, Just Like Mike Pence
October 4th, 2016 7:19 AM
The New York Times is again promoting the shabby pretense that a liberal politician who rejects his church’s orthodoxy for Democratic Party orthodoxy can and should be described as “devout” in his faith. Jonathan Martin’s pre-debate story was headlined “With Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, Faith Is Back in the Mix.”
Kaine now represents a “different strand of Christianity,” the strand that somehow…

NBC & ABC Ignore Tim Kaine Skipping Vote on 9/11 Bill
September 29th, 2016 3:03 PM
Despite coverage on all three networks of Congress overriding President Obama’s veto of legislation to allow 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, only Thursday’s CBS This Morning mentioned the fact that Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine didn’t bother to show up for the vote. NBC and ABC both avoided the Virginia Senator’s absence.

What Bias? Nets Boost Hillary, Blast Trump in Softballs to Kaine
September 27th, 2016 11:04 AM
On Tuesday’s morning news shows, each of the three network anchors interviewed the two vice presidential candidates, Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, about their running mate’s debate performance Monday night. But instead of asking the candidates similar questions, the anchors coaxed Clinton’s VP Kaine and grilled Trump’s VP Pence.

Ellen Whines Over ‘Amazing’ Hillary Being Held to ‘Different Standard’
September 21st, 2016 4:53 PM
During her softball interview with Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on Monday, self-avowed Hillary Clinton supporter Ellen DeGeneres bemoaned a supposed double standard against the former Secretary of State: “So Hillary is, it seems – and I've said this before – that she is held to a different standard than Donald Trump is. Would you agree with that?”

Ellen to Kaine: ‘Do You Feel Bad’ for Pence Having to Defend Trump?
September 21st, 2016 1:16 PM
In a predictably softball interview with Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine set to air on Wednesday, talk show host and Hillary Clinton superfan Ellen DeGeneres began the friendly chat by gushing: “Well, first of all, thank you for everything you have been doing for a long, long time.”

Nets Deflect Reports of Clinton Birtherism as Only CNN Presses Kaine
September 18th, 2016 10:25 PM
As Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine appeared on five Sunday talk shows, only CNN's Jake Tapper brought up Friday's reports that longtime Hillary Clinton friend and advisor Sidney Blumenthal tried to push anti-Obama birtherism into the media during the 2008 presidential campaign by pitching it to McClatchy's then-Washington bureau chief. The other Sunday talk shows failed to bring up…