Steve Bannon

ABC’s Karl Uses New Anti-Trump Book to Warn of ‘Third Reich’ Rhetoric
On Tuesday, ABC’s chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl’s third anti-Trump book hits shelves and will send Resistance types into further episodes of collective hyperventilation over Trump and the GOP as threats to national security who must be crushed in 2024. Karl hawked the book on Monday’s Good Morning America and lashed out at voters for “not” having “paid much attention to…

NBC Rediscovers Hunter’s ‘Much Talked About’ Laptop, ‘Salacious’ Tales
On Thursday morning, NBC’s Today rediscovered Hunter Biden’s “much talked about laptop” (which in of itself is comical for an liberal outlet to assert) in order to trumpet Hunter’s “aggressive new legal strategy” to force his father’s Justice Department and Delaware law enforcement to open criminal investigations of those that shared and promoted its contents, which resulted in “a…

Pot Calling the Kettle Black: NewsGuard Calls Rumble ‘Hoax Central’
Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard is in no position to be throwing around the “hoax” label when its own CEO tried to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as a “hoax.” It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

MSNBC: Saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' Is A 'Slow-Moving Insurrection'
In MSNBC’s ongoing obsession with labeling anyone who dares to disagree with their left-wing agenda an “insurrectionist”, Deadline White House host Nicole Wallace laughably claimed that the Oregon father who said “let’s go, Brandon” to President Joe Biden was part of a “slow-motion insurrection”.
NY Times Prods Big Tech to Ban Podcasts in Name of Political 'Virtue'
The internet “hall monitors” at the New York Times are back patrolling the nation’s political discourse. On Friday’s front page, reporter Reggie Ugwu prodded Big Tech to police podcasts more aggressively in “On Google Podcasts, Unfiltered Streams of Hate -- Lax Moderation Even as Other Platforms Tighten the Reins.”

Borat, Hulk Use Twitter to Demand Social Media Censor Speech
Anybody who looks at leftist celebrity tweets can deduce that their writers are hypersensitive, impulsive, and therefore ready to blurt out invectives at the slightest provocation. They’re also not exactly civil libertarians.

NY Times Says Pandemic Should Stop 'Me First' Conservatism
The New York Times lead National “news” story on Friday was a full-page opinionated attack on conservatives by NewsBusters regular Jeremy Peters, who once again used the coronavirus pandemic as a cudgel: “‘The Crisis of 2020,’ Predicted in 1991: What’s Next?” Peters first marveled at how the 1991 book “Generations” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, “which introduced a provocative theory that…

CNN's Collins Claims Trump Saying 'Nationalist' Is 'Like Hitler'

‘Murphy Brown’ Calls White Conservative Men 'Dinosaurs'

CNN Gives Reagan Daughter Patti Davis Forum to Liken Trump to Hitler

Michael Eric Dyson: Trump Using 'KKK Language' While Slamming Omarosa

CNN's Blackwell: Bannon 'Extremism' More Newsworthy Than Farrakhan

Pot, Meet Kettle: NPR Talks Up 'Epidemic' of Team Trump Sexual Assault