Stephen Moore

CNBC's Kudlow And Others: Why Is Economic Growth 'Controversial?'
March 3rd, 2015 4:52 PM
Several conservative economic thinkers including CNBC's Larry Kudlow and media magnate Steve Forbes recently formed the Committee to Unleash American Prosperity in an effort to persuade aspiring presidents to focus on “the paramount challenge facing our country: slow growth and stagnant incomes.”
Three economists in the group explained their goals in a March 3, Investor's Business Daily op-ed.
Ed Schultz Drools Over 'Fantastic' Economic Recovery Under Obama
March 31st, 2014 10:54 PM
"None of them knew the color of the sky" is the first line of the Stephen Crane short story "The Open Boat" about four men crowded in an overloaded dinghy on rough seas. The men are so intent on preventing their small boat from getting swamped, none of them has time to look up.
Much the same way, Ed Schultz is so busy shilling for Obama, he can't see the writing on the wall. (Audio after the…

Stephen Moore Schools CNN Anchor on Minimum Wage, Economics
February 19th, 2014 6:45 PM
CNN's Carol Costello might as well have read from a Think Progress cheat sheet when she battled conservative economist Stephen Moore over wages and economics on Wednesday. Moore, for his part, gave her a lesson in economics.
Starting with the recent CBO estimate that President Obama's minimum wage proposal would cost a half million jobs, Costello argued that it was just an estimate and that…

AP's Crutsinger Pushes Myth That Fed Govt. Spending Is Down Significan
August 16th, 2013 10:46 AM
At the conclusion of his report on the federal government's July Monthly Treasury Statement, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger wrote that federal spending through the first ten months of the current fiscal year is "down 2.9 percent from a year ago," and that the decline "reflects, in part, automatic government spending cuts that began taking effect March 1."
Those "automatic cuts"…

CNN's Costello Lectures GOP to 'Act Like Big Boys and Girls
December 3rd, 2012 3:11 PM
CNN's Carol Costello lectured Republicans on Monday that they should "act like big boys and girls" and present a counter to President Obama's deficit plan.
Interviewing Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, Costello remarked that Republicans are angry over the President's plan intentionally lacking specific cuts to entitlements. "So, why don't Republicans act like big boys and girls and…

New Book: American 'Rich' Pay Bigger Share of US Taxes Than European C
October 9th, 2012 5:58 PM
This election has seen its fair share of tax rhetoric. From Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) accusing Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes for over a decade to MSNBC contributor Joan Walsh insinuating that Ann Romneythrew a “tantrum” over her husband's tax returns, the Romneys have been the target of the political left seeking to use class warfare as a political cudgel. Endless ads and news segments by…

Maher Audience Boos Idea of Talking Women Out of Having Abortions
February 18th, 2012 8:42 AM
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher show on HBO, during a discussion of the recently passed Virginia law that requires an ultrasound be performed on every candidate for abortion in the hopes that the mother might decide not to go through with the procedure, economist Stephen Moore was booed by a number of audience members when he expressed the view that generally it would be a "good thing" to…

Chris Matthews Asks Conservative Guest 'What Do You Think, I'm On The
April 13th, 2011 8:15 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews has on numerous occasions said he's a liberal while also having gotten a thrill up his leg on national televisionwhen presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke back in 2008.
Despite this, on Wednesday's "Hardball," he asked the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore, "What do you think, I'm on the far left?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Professed Pothead Bill Maher: 'Kids Are Dumbasses Taking Drugs and Not
January 29th, 2011 1:56 AM
Bill Maher has for years bragged about his love for marijuana and his desire for drugs to be legalized.
On HBO's "Real Time" Friday, the sometimes comedian linked our nation's education problems to drugs claiming, "The kids are dumbasses and their parents are dumbasses and they’re taking drugs and f--king and not learning" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Imus Criticizes Maddow as 'Gutless, Sniveling Worm' for Her Initial Te
January 26th, 2011 8:46 PM
So much for any scintillating future chit-chat between Rachel Maddow and Don Imus.
Imus cut loose with a withering broadside today against Maddow for what he perceived as her disloyal initial response to news of colleague and mentor Keith Olbermann's abrupt departure from MSNBC --
Having nothing to do with her politics, she is a gutless coward and I'll tell you why. Because everybody…
Matthews Charges Town Hall Protesters 'Upset Because We Have a Black P
August 11th, 2009 6:51 PM
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," painted town hall protesters as racist as he charged, "I think some of the people are upset because we have a black president." Matthews invited on Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore to analyze the uproar at the town hall meetings and after Moore offered that some of the protesters' rage was caused by the "$800…
Stephen Moore Challenges Matthews to Attend Tea Party, Chris Retorts
April 13th, 2009 6:57 PM
On Monday night's "Hardball," the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore challenged Chris Matthews to come out to one of the many tea parties protesting taxes and the government bailouts, as the former Club For Growth President egged on the "Hardball," host to prove he is "a man of the people," but Matthews ducked the invitation and yelled back: "Steve stay in your box!" As Matthews was wrapping up…
Maxine Waters Caught Lying About Fannie Mae Ties on 'Real Time
October 11th, 2008 12:23 PM
Maxine Waters, a key Democrat congresswoman that has been implicated in blocking government oversight that could have prevented the current financial crisis, was caught lying Friday evening about her connection to failed lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.During the panel discussion of HBO's "Real Time," Waters was challenged by the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore about the campaign…
Stephen Moore Notes Rest of World Adopting Reaganomics 'Discredited
September 1st, 2007 6:11 PM
In a subscription-only editorial yesterday, Wall Street Journal Editorial Board member Stephen Moore notes that many countries in the rest of the world, including a few you'd never expect, are adopting the tax-cutting policies of Ronald Reagan, to their benefit: Earlier this year the cover of Time Magazine depicted Ronald Reagan with a tear running down his cheek -- the message being that the…