
Nets Ignore Cuba Harassing, Trying to ‘Deafen’ U.S. Diplomats

August 9th, 2017 11:35 PM
There was bizarre news out of the U.S. State Department on Wednesday as the Associated Press reported that U.S. diplomats had to return home from Cuba after experiencing “physical symptoms,” which included “potentially permanent hearing loss.” The mysterious incidents led to the United States expelling two Cuba officials from their Washington, D.C. embassy. Despite the stunning revelations, the…

HA! Mitchell Says She’s Not a Clinton Hack; It's Not 'My Reputation'

April 10th, 2017 1:31 PM
In a gooey interview released on Monday, MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell hilariously told Politico Magazine columnist and friend Susan Glasser that she was not a Hillary Clinton hack or a liberal journalist because “that isn’t my reputation” and claimed the Clinton campaign press “harass[ed] her...all summer long about the private server.”

Lib Pundit: Trump’s Proposed Budget ‘Stupid’ and ‘Sadistic’

March 17th, 2017 8:58 PM
Esquire’s Charles Pierce is accusing President Trump of adding to something he vowed to subtract from. In a Thursday post, Pierce called the White House’s proposed federal budget a “vast, noxious swamp into which all those tributaries of modern conservative thought have emptied themselves. People die in there, swallowed up in deep sinkholes of empowered bigotry and class anger.”

NBC Goes All In to Back Secretary Kerry on Israel Double-Cross

December 28th, 2016 9:44 PM
Secretary of State John Kerry took to the podium Wednesday and unloaded on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel, claiming they were impeding the Middle East peace process. Later on that evening, NBC Nightly News went to bat for Kerry running two reports backing up his assertions. “Kerry painting a dire picture when it comes to reaching a peace deal in the Middle East…

Mitchell Frets to Kerry Trump Could 'Undo' His Hard 'Work' on Israel

December 28th, 2016 6:22 PM
MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell scored an exclusive interview on Wednesday afternoon with Secretary of State John Kerry following his speech blasting Israel and, not surprisingly, she served up softballs for Kerry up to attack Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “How difficult is it for you to operate in this atmosphere where the President-elect is…

CNN Panel Boasts of 'Personal and Passionate' Kerry Speech on Israel

December 28th, 2016 2:45 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, a CNN panel reacted to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech lambasting Israel with praise for the “personal and passionate” address at the State Department aimed at a supposedly vast base of global supporters who believe in a two-state solution.

CBS Freaks Out: Trump Asked for Lists of Federal Programs and Workers

December 22nd, 2016 9:32 PM

In yet another report on CBS Evening News about seemingly nothing, the network tried to stoke fear of President-Elect Donald Trump’s upcoming administration Thursday night. The cause of their concern? He did the unthinkable and asked for a list of federal programs he would be overseeing. “The Trump transition team has been sending questionnaires to cabinet departments, not at all unusual, but…


Matthews Is Livid Trump Might Move U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

December 13th, 2016 11:07 PM
Amidst the discussion on MSNBC’s Hardball late Tuesday concerning President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to lead the State Department, host Chris Matthews was apoplectic at the notion that a Trump administration would “desecrate” Jerusalem by moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv.

Liberal Pundit Blasts Trump’s ‘Ridiculous Whining’ About Media Bias

October 19th, 2016 4:58 PM
There is a conspiracy against Donald Trump, believes The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky, but it’s inanimate: a “conspiracy of facts,” not a “conspiracy of liberals” in the media. The facts, Tomasky claimed in a Tuesday column, “simply do not damn [Hillary] Clinton in the way that [Trump] and his supporters believe they should. Take the new story, about the FBI and State and the alleged ‘quid pro…

ABC, CBS Censor Story on Link Between State Dept Lobbyists, Clintons

October 18th, 2016 5:40 PM
In the latest example of media bias concerning the 2016 election that many would cowardly blame on Donald Trump stealing the spotlight, Tuesday’s morning shows on ABC and NBC saw no reason to inform their viewers of a USA Today investigation detailing the cozy relationships cultivated between high-profile corporate lobbyists to the Hillary Clinton-led State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and…

State Dept. Denial of Hillary Quid Pro Quo Good Enough for NBC, ABC

October 18th, 2016 4:09 PM
On Tuesday, both NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America accepted at face value Obama administration denials of a quid pro quo to cover up Hillary Clinton’s possession of classified e-mails. Reports on the morning shows let statements from the State Department and the FBI be the last word on the topic.

MRC’s Bozell Hammers ‘Incredible’ Double Standard on Trump's Taxes

October 3rd, 2016 5:16 PM
Media Research Center president Brent Bozell took to the airwaves of the Fox News Channel (FNC) on Monday afternoon during Your World to excoriate the liberal media for their latest double standard in harping on a New York Times story on Donald Trump’s taxes versus leaked audio of Hillary Clinton disparaging Bernie Sanders supporters.

MSNBC's Reaction to FBI Notes? We Can Tell Why Hillary Wasn't Charged!

September 2nd, 2016 4:16 PM

Along with the FBI doing its part for the Clinton campaign by dumping on the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend its notes from their interview of Hillary Clinton concerning her e-mail scandal, MSNBC swept some of the most disturbing elements under the rug in its first two segments on it and concluded that they’ve helped them see “a little bit better why Director Comey” didn’t recommend…


ABC Notices Hillary's Deleted Benghazi E-Mails, NBC Still Censoring

August 31st, 2016 3:10 PM
On Wednesday's GMA, ABC finally covered the latest development on Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. Paula Faris gave a news brief noting that "the Justice Department now says that up to 30 deleted e-mails from her private server could be related to the Benghazi attack." CBS This Morning mentioned the new revelation on the Clinton scandal during the lead-in for a report on the former senator's lack…