Unions Under Siege Across the Nation

May 5th, 2011 10:31 AM
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has started a revolt — a pro-democracy revolt in favor of taxpayers and workers.

AP, NYT Downplaying and Ignoring Mass. Move to Limit Union Health Barg

April 27th, 2011 7:58 PM
Gosh, after Republican Governors Scott Walker and John Kasich succeeded in championing legislation curtailing many collective bargaining rights of unionized state and municipal employees in Wisconsin and Ohio, respectively, the establishment press had the meme all set. The GOP, conservatives, and Tea Partiers are enemies of labor and the middle class, while Democrats, liberals, and progressives…

New York Times Etiquette Columnist Takes Time to Write Chiding Note to

April 26th, 2011 2:18 PM
Not even the light sections of the New York Times Sunday paper offer an escape from politics. In “Social Q’s,” his Sunday Styles column on modern etiquette, Philip Galanes got political when answering a question from Amanda from Grand Island, N.Y., criticizing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for teacher bashing during his recent battle to reduce the influence of public-sector unions. Q: I asked…

Milwaukee Newspaper Highlights Lefty Rage at Walker: 'Why Do You Hate

April 22nd, 2011 3:27 PM
It's a liberal cliche to ask conservatives why they "hate" the poor, minorities or personal freedom, so it's not surprising that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker endured that question in YouTube chat, Wednesday. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel highlighted "Fuzzy Duck," who inquired via Twitter, "Why do you hate education?" In the video, Walker began, "Today we've got another question from…

AP Falsely Claims Scott Walker Admitted Collective Bargaining Restrict

April 18th, 2011 9:32 AM
While Scott Walker has become a hero to conservatives by taking on the public sector unions driving the state's budget into the red, he is as close to universally vilified on the Left as any public figure in America today. Every proclamation and action from Walker is subjected to intense scrutiny. Thus, no doubt, there was much consternation when Laurie Kellman of the Associated Press reported…

Ed Schultz Guest Condemns Wisconsin Tax Breaks, Can't Describe Any Whe

April 15th, 2011 7:22 PM
Details, details. Wisconsin Democrat state senator Lena Taylor really hates those $142 million in tax credits for businesses and the wealthy passed by Gov. Scott Walker and fellow Republicans in the legislature. So much so that Taylor couldn't elaborate on any when asked during Ed Schultz's radio show yesterday, a rebroadcast of the program from a theater in Madison, Wisc., on Wednesday (…

Appalling Cartoon at Newspaper Guild Site Is Evidence That Its Members

April 14th, 2011 11:27 PM
The undisguised bias of a dispatch tonight by Associated Press reporter Laurie Kellman, with help from Scott Bauer, about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's appearance before a Congressional committee may have as its source two items found at the Newspaper Guild's web site (seen after the jump). One is an announcement relating to a possible deterioration in the Guild's negotiations with AP,…

AP Failing to Update Prosser-Kloppenburg Election Tally, Claiming Mora

April 8th, 2011 9:09 PM
It may be laziness, or it may be failure to recognize reality, but the Associated Press's official tally of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race carried at JSOnline (but note the AP-based URL) still shows Democrat JoAnne Kloppenburg with a 204-vote lead over incumbent David Prosser, and hasn't been updated since Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. This failure to update has occurred despite the following…

Ed Schultz Smells Rat in GOP County Clerk's Ballot Error in Wisconsin

April 8th, 2011 9:49 AM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Thursday expressed a great deal of skepticism concerning Thursday's revelation that a significant number of ballots had not been included in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election held two days prior. While he pointed fingers at the Waukesha County Clerk as being a Republican operative, he completely ignored the fact that a the very press conference he aired a clip from,…

Media Ignore Wisconsin Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to R

April 2nd, 2011 4:39 PM
As NewsBusters reported last month, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, and NPR totally ignored Wisconsin Republicans receiving death threats as a result of their support for Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill. Although the following report concerning a woman being charged for emailing such threats was published by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel at 5 PM Thursday, almost no major media outlets thought…

Daily Kos: Scott Walker, Fox News Show America's Becoming A Capitalist

April 2nd, 2011 6:56 AM
The leftist panic over Republican governors like Wisconsin's Scott Walker (and this week, Ohio's John Kasich) curbing union power has the bloggers at the Daily Kos is producing all the typical fringy fulminations. See the article headlined "Totalitarian Capitalism stages a show trial for teachers." Since "Anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun is regularly demonized as a communist, socialist,…

NPR: Schumer Ties Scott Walker to Deadly 1911 Fire

March 27th, 2011 7:42 AM
Liberals have a bad habit of mixing funerals (or death anniversaries) with political rallies. On Friday night's All Things Considered, NPR's Robert Smith offered a story that was 100 percent about union activists and liberal politicians, with no rebuttals. NPR anchor Melissa Block began: "New York City today marked the 100th anniversary of one of its worst disasters: a fire at the Triangle…

Ed Schultz: Three GOP Governors Down in Polls - 'It's a Turning Point

March 24th, 2011 10:31 AM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Wednesday claimed recent polls finding three newly-elected Republican governors wouldn't win if elections were held today represents a turning point in American history. Not surprisingly, his far-left guests from the Nation magazine quite agreed with him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Overnight Engine-Starter: Wis. Judge Sumi's Conflict(s) of Interest

March 22nd, 2011 1:09 AM
Cindy at Fairly Conservative and Mary at FreedomEden broke this story yesterday. RedState, Gateway Pundit, and Doug Ross, among others, have helped promulgate it. I'd rate the odds of the establishment press doing anything with the information at nearly zero. I have a potential tidbit to add. FreedomEden's Mary writes: "Jake Sinderbrand, son of Judge Maryann Sumi, poses a bit of a problem…