Rep. Linda Sanchez
Dem Rep. Flips Off GOP Dugout at Congressional Baseball Game
July 29th, 2022 11:42 AM
The usually jovial and bipartisan atmosphere of the annual Congressional Baseball game took a more hostile turn thanks to Democratic Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA-38) flipped the bird to the Republican dugout as she was returning to the dugout after being substituted for a pinch runner, …

Liberal Pushing Identity Politics Slammed by FBN Host, GOP Guest
May 22nd, 2017 7:00 PM
During Friday’s edition of The Intelligence Report on the Fox Business Network, host Trish Regan and conservative guest Ned Ryun schooled liberal panelist Pablo Manriquez regarding the use of “identity politics” when dealing with financial issues.

MSNBC’s Melvin Dismisses Benghazi Select Cmte: Likely More ‘Hoopla
May 23rd, 2014 4:40 PM
As difficult as it may be to believe, Craig Melvin of MSNBC found a way to attack the Democrats’ political position on Benghazi from the left.
The substitute anchor for Friday’s edition of NewsNation brought on Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) to discuss new developments surrounding the newly-formed select committee. Melvin challenged Sanchez to answer why the Democrats would join the select…
Wrong Again, Ed Schultz - Deportations Haven't Risen 'Fivefold' Under
February 10th, 2014 10:11 AM
It takes a special brand of chutzpah, even by the fluid non-standards of the left, for a man to begin every hour of his radio show with a promo touting it as the place "where truth and common sense rule" -- when he has no intention of adhering to that lofty standard.
Liberal loose-cannon Ed Schultz does this with alarming regularity, as has been well documented at NewsBusters and elsewhere…