Pope John Paul II

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Slanted Farewell to Pope John Paul II
After Pope John Paul II died 19 years ago this week, liberal journalists praised his “charisma” and “magnetism” but rejected what they characterized as his “extremely conservative” policies, as if long-standing Catholic Church doctrines were merely one Pope’s personal opinions that could be discarded on a whim.
Why the Prevalence of JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories?
WASHINGTON -- I am engaged in reading a very fine book by my colleague, Paul Kengor. It was written six years ago, so do not feel bad if you missed it. You still have time. It is called “A Pope and a President.” It covers the lives of John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, and, as its coverage is chronological, I just read its treatment of the assassination of President John Kennedy. This will be the…

JFK, Reagan and Biden
President Biden’s speech from Warsaw Saturday night, reminded me of two previous presidents who delivered speeches confronting the autocracy that was then the Soviet Union and is now Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, a man Biden has rightly called a war criminal. On June 26, 1963, Kennedy spoke before the Berlin Wall which the Soviets had erected to stem the flow of Berliners out of the communist…

Midler Defends Sinead O'Connor’s Pope-Tearing On SNL: ‘She Was Right’
How relevant is Bette Midler? She’s got a hot take on one of the most controversial incidents … of 1992. Midler praised Irish Singer Sinead O’Connor in a recent Twitter post, saying “she was right about...everything.” The Hocus Pocus witch was referring to O'Connor's infamous tearing of an image of Pope John Paul II during her live Saturday Night Live performance, which many…
Pierce Uses Pope’s Congressional Speech to Bash Cruz, Conservatives
Matthews Slams 'Fragile' Benedict; Williams Hypes Chris's 'Patriotism'

Former Obama Official: 'Can Gay Marriage Defeat the Islamic State?'

Holy Smoke: Did Williams Lie About Meeting Pope John Paul II?!

TIME's 'Person of the Year' Angers Supporters of Ferguson Protesters
NPR Spins: 'Vehement Hardliners' Vs. 'Progressives' at Vatican Meeting

Do You Agree, Brian? Williams Says Shevardnadze 'Admitted That Too Muc

CNN: 'Climate Change Deniers Aren't Listening to Scientists...Not Read

Hours Before John Paul II's Canonization, Networks Hype Priest Sex Abu