Peter Beinart

PBS Hosts Beinart's Hamas Apologia: Jews Not Always Virtuous Victims
Amanpour & Co. invited rabidly anti-Israel voice Peter Beinart to discuss his latest screed of a book, Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza. Beinart, former editor for the once-respected liberal journal The New Republic and political analyst for the not-so-respected cable channel MSNBC and editor at the even more ridiculous Jewish Currents, made…

MSNBC's Beinart Hopes Trump Is Tried at The Hague for 'War Crimes'
On Monday's The ReidOut show, MSNBC political analyst Peter Beinart declared that he hopes President Donald Trump is tried for war crimes at The Hague in response to the President recommending that Gaza's population be relocated to neighboring Arab countries. He went on to label the suggestion "monstrous," "depraved," and "racist."

NY Times Pivots: Anti-Semitic Op-eds, 'Context' for Hamas War Crimes
After the initial shock of the anti-Jewish pogrom committed by Hamas infiltrating Israel from the Gaza Strip, the New York Times is back to its usual tricks, giving space to professional anti-Semites like Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi to change the subject from Palestinian atrocities against civilians. Khalidi, a former spokesman for the terrorist Palestinian Liberation…

Anti-Semitic MSNBC Claims Israel Turned West Bank Into Apartheid State
In a segment on MSNBC’s All In which sounded like it was written by anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar, guests Peter Beinart and Rula Jebreal each went into an anti-Semitic and anti-Israel tirade accusing the state of Israel of being a terrorist state and turning the West Bank into an apartheid state.

MSNBC Suggests High Gas Prices Are A Saudi Plot To Help GOP In Midterm
MSNBC has an explanation for why gas prices are on the rise again and it’s not President Biden’s terrible foreign and energy policy. Ali Velshi guest hosted The Last Word on Thursday and together with journalism and political science professor Peter Beinart, he blamed Saudi Arabia’s decision to cut production as part of a pro-GOP, anti-Democratic Party conspiracy.
Who Will Be FIRED for Ignorant NYT Opinion Calling for End to Israel?
The New York Times’ gross double standards on what constitutes acceptable opinion has been demonstrated once again. An opinion piece from Republican Sen. Tom Cotton called for military troops to be deployed to quell the rioting that accompanied the protests over George Floyd's killing. Cotton’s essay caused a “woke” staff revolt, with bizarre accusations that the…

WATCH CNN Lefty Go CRAZY When Lowry Schools Him on Palestinian Terror

CNN's Zakaria Frets Omar Made It Harder to Slam Israel's 'Bigotry'

CNN's Beinart Accuses Israel of 'State-Sponsored Bigotry'

CNN Hosts Link Omar’s Anti-Semitic Tweets to McCarthy Knocking Soros
Despite the fact that CNN has covered the latest anti-Semitism from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) throughout the day on Monday, numerous analysts and hosts have tried to assist Omar by muddying the waters, suggesting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is also anti-Semitic for a tweet last year criticizing the left-wing views of Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Tom Steyer.

Atlantic: Trump a Sexist Dictator; ‘Red-Faced Diatribes’ for Kavanaugh

Atlantic: 'Vilified' Pelosi ‘Most Effective...Leader’ vs. Sexist GOP
Peter Beinart, contributing editor at The Atlantic, devoted 1,700 words in the April issue to ludicrously crowning House minority leader and arch-liberal Nancy Pelosi an amazingly effective congressional leader -- and dishonestly calling Republicans sexist for daring to oppose her: “The Nancy Pelosi Problem -- The first female speaker of the House has become the most effective congressional…

Atlantic Magazine: 'The Odds of Impeachment Are Dropping'