Patricia Mazzei

NYT Attempts Balance, Fails: Hispanic GOP Stoked on BLM 'Conspiracy'
In some ways, the front-page story of Saturday’s New York Times by Jennifer Medina offered welcome balance: “As Latino Men Tilt to Right, Democrats Ask Why.” But one paragraph from Medina is attracting much derisory attention on social media.

NY Times Pounces on Florida Vaccine Rollout, Not Andrew Cuomo's
New York State governor and liberal media darling Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s overzealous bureaucratic orders and general incompetence have led to the shameful waste of Covid vaccinations in his state. The New York Times was so outraged that it put on Monday’s front page a story about…long lines for vaccinations in Florida. Meanwhile, it buried the vaccine scandal right under its nose on an…

NY Times Miami Chief Still Lashing Out at Latinos for Trump in Florida
The New York Times remains dumbfounded by Donald Trump winning the state of Florida, especially Trump taking a big chunk of the Hispanic vote. Unable to accept reality, the paper’s reporters have been lashing out, especially Miami bureau chief Patricia Mazzei, at it again in Sunday’s lead National section story, “How Miami’s Politics Swung Right and Blindsided the Nation.”

PATHETIC: NYT Disrespects FL Latinos: ‘Lie’ to Call Biden a Socialist
The 2020 presidential election hasn’t been decided as of this writing, but the New York Times is bitter and panicky about Joe Biden’s surprisingly big loss in Florida and and dug up a pathetic excuse: Hispanics were the victims of "disinformation"! In Thursday’s edition, reporters Patricia Mazzei and Nicole Perloth trotted out, “Experts Call Disinformation Targeting Spanish Speakers…

IRONY: NYT Accuses Conservative Outlets of Spreading Misinformation
News and opinion the New York Times doesn’t want circulating are conveniently dismissed as “disinformation.” A lead National Section story by Patricia Mazzei and Jennifer Medina from Miami: “Fake Political News Aimed at Latinos To Suppress Vote – A disinformation system that portrays the Black Lives Matter movement as evil threatens to drive down voter turnout.” Tiffany Hsu’s story…

NY Times Hypocrites Worry About Bernie's Praise of Cuban Literacy

NYT Packed With Accusations of Trump's ‘Dark, Anti-Immigrant Message'