Notre Dame

'The View': Notre Dame Walkout Was Patriotic; Compares Pence to KKK
May 23rd, 2017 2:41 PM
Overly sensitive students at college campuses everywhere have learned that if you protest a conservative speaker on your campus, you will be lauded by the media as “brave” and “patriotic.” That’s exactly what happened on Tuesday’s The View, when the panel finally got around to discussing Notre Dame’s graduation ceremony last weekend, where a large group of students walked out during Vice…

Nets Shrug at Pence’s Notre Dame Remarks, Hyped Obama’s 2009 Speech
May 22nd, 2017 3:34 PM
Commencement addresses from presidents and vice presidents are newsworthy, but what the networks choose to focus on differs wildly based upon whether the individual is liberal or conservative. Despite the controversy surrounding President Obama’s commencement speech at Notre Dame University in 2009, the nets focused heavily on the content of his remarks. Not so for Vice President Mike Pence, who…
Who's Unsafe on Campus?
April 13th, 2017 4:23 PM
Springtime may be in bloom, but snowflakes never go out of season at America's most prestigious colleges and universities. Quivering students at the University of Notre Dame launched a protest last week against the school's decision to invite Vice President Mike Pence as commencement speaker.

MSNBC Warns: Notre Dame is the 'Next Hobby Lobby
July 31st, 2014 11:20 AM
In a piece discussing the University of Notre Dame’s policy on contraception, Irin Carmon of revealed her unashamed support of government-mandated birth control and abortifacient drugs. And if the headline “This is the Next Hobby Lobby” wasn’t clear enough, the article barely mentioned opposition to Notre Dame’s decision to fight the contraception mandate. Aside from a few brief…
Amy Sullivan: Not Even the Vatican Cares About Obama's Notre Dame Spee
May 1st, 2009 5:04 PM
Dear religious pro-life Catholics, get over yourselves. Signed, Amy Sullivan.Okay, I'm paraphrasing, but the Time magazine staffer practically expressed those sentiments in two April 30 Swampland blog posts wherein she suggests that even the pope wouldn't mind hanging out with Obama on stage at Notre Dame when he accepts his honorary doctorate later this month."The Vatican apparently needs to get…
USAT Blogger Passive-Aggressively Hits Pro-life Prof. Glendon as Hypoc
April 30th, 2009 1:24 PM
While most of the mainstream media yawned at news that former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican Mary Ann Glendon was refusing Notre Dame's Laetare award due to the university honoring pro-choice President Barack Obama, USA Today's Cathy Lynn Grossman sure hasn't.The religion reporter/blogger found her own unique, passive-aggressive way to slam Glendon's stand on principle by suggesting she's a self-…
'Fox And Friends' Exclusive: Notre Dame In Uproar Over Obama Speech
March 24th, 2009 6:05 PM
Major media began shielding Barack Obama from criticism early in the presidential primaries. It's no surprise, then, when they continue to do so today. However, the media's collective, instinctive tone-deafness in regard to grassroots activities continues to stun and amaze.NewsBusters has so far noted several grassroots efforts that have been ignored – despite similar left-leaning efforts…