Martin Longman

Blogger: Republicans, Once ‘Decent People,’ Now ‘Batsh*t Insane’
January 31st, 2016 12:49 PM
Once upon a time, Martin Longman didn’t think Republicans were so bad, but that was before the Tea Party, before the Iraq war, before Fox News became a major force. The Washington Monthly blogger detailed his decades of disillusionment in a Tuesday post.
According to Longman, events which eroded his belief that Republicans were “decent people” included the “excesses of the Gingrich Revolution”;…

Lefty Blogger: Conservatism Was Less Disgusting 85 Years Ago
January 10th, 2016 2:15 PM
In the present, liberals vehemently oppose what conservatives stand for (and vice versa, of course). But do liberals believe there was a time when conservatism was somewhat reasonable, or at least not appalling? Martin Longman offered an answer in a Friday post: It was “the reaction to FDR’s New Deal” that crystallized the suspicious, radical conservatism of today.
“Conservatism is supposed to…

Blogger: Thanks to Palin, GOP Now ‘A Post-Truth Party’
November 27th, 2015 11:56 PM
In the race for next year’s Republican presidential nomination, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have made media bias an issue, as did Newt Gingrich during the 2012 contest. Irony alert: Martin Longman believes that it was one of the media’s favorite GOPers, John McCain, who planted the seeds for such press-bashing when he chose his running mate.
Longman contended in a Wednesday post that “something…

Lefty Blogger: GOP’s Fake Issues Distract Public From Real Issues
November 22nd, 2015 1:28 PM
The left tends to believe that Republicans, for whatever reason, are a lot better than Democrats at messaging and salesmanship. In that vein, Martin Longman argues that GOPers have a flair for fabricating issues -- “non-problems,” Longman calls them -- which distract the public from real problems.
“There was the non-problem with Fast & Furious,” wrote Longman in a Friday post. “There was the…
Lefty Blogger: House Freedom Caucus Needs to Be ‘Sidelined’
October 12th, 2015 9:29 PM
Is the Republican party actually two parties? In a sense, believes The Washington Monthly's Martin Longman, who contended in a Monday post that the forty or so congressmen who constitute the Freedom Caucus “are best understood in the parliamentary sense as being a party in their own right. In our system, they are still called Republicans, but in any other system they would be a minor party that…
Lefty Blogger: GOP Split Between ‘Stormtroopers’ and ‘Ruffians’
August 30th, 2015 8:33 PM
In March 2013, the Republican National Committee released what soon became known as the “autopsy report,” which looked at how the GOP might reverse trends that recently had caused the party to lose the popular vote for the fifth time in six presidential elections. Washington Monthly blogger Martin Longman believes that conservatives’ hostile response to the report’s big-tent ideas paved the way…

Lefty Blogger Likens 2016 GOP Win to a Global Gasoline Fire
July 9th, 2015 10:54 AM
Much of the left would be thrilled if Bernie Sanders became the Democrats’ presidential nominee, but that, suggests The Washington Monthly’s Martin Longman, is what Al Gore might call a risky scheme. A Sanders win in the general election would make him the POTUS of progressive dreams, but a Sanders loss “would be a total epic disaster” and a boon for right-wingers who are “capable of great evil…

Lefty Blogger: GOP Destroyed By a ‘Vortex of Stupid’
June 13th, 2015 12:10 PM
America no longer has a two-party system, argued Washington Monthly blogger Martin Longman in a Friday post. That’s because the Republican party is essentially “defunct,” having been sucked into a “vortex of stupid” (i.e., taken over by right-wingers).
“The architects of this vortex,” wrote Longman, “are as varied as Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales and Regent University jurisprudence,…

Lefty Blogger: Major Abrahamic Religions = War
May 13th, 2015 10:38 AM
A new Pew Research study found that between 2007 and 2014, the percentage of Americans self-identifying as Christian fell from 78.4 to 70.6. In a Tuesday post, Martin Longman speculated about causes for the dropoff, commenting that “the Republican Party’s embrace of a very conservative interpretation of Christianity” may be “undermining people’s faith.”
Longman added that it’s not solely the…

Lefty Blogger: CPAC Like 'Untethered Zoo Animals'
March 2nd, 2015 11:12 AM
The Washington Monthly’s Martin Longman argues that Republican base voters routinely wind up hurting the party’s center-right presidential nominee because he feels he has to throw them one or more bones: “Poppy [George H. W. Bush] didn’t really need to promise no new taxes, but it was a broken promise that cost him dearly. [John] McCain overcompensated for his weakness with the base by giving us…

Bloggers Blast GOP’s Benghazi ‘Bullsh*t,’ ‘Manufactured Outrage’
November 24th, 2014 10:11 PM
One blogger argued that media outlets which took the story seriously should “spend the next three-plus years publishing articles [or] airing pieces” telling the public that it was “a cynical and spiteful lie from the beginning.”

Lefty Blogger: In 2016, Will the GOP Be Caught Between a Rock and the
August 17th, 2014 10:20 PM
The Washington Monthly’s Martin Longman sees the Republican party on the horns of a dilemma regarding its 2016 presidential nomination. In a Sunday post, Longman asserted that any candidate who strongly appeals to the GOP base couldn’t win the general election, but acknowledged that it’s understandable that the rank and file would point to several recent losses by center-right nominees and ask…

Lefty Blogger: Americans of Today Shouldn’t Be ‘Stunted With the S
July 27th, 2014 8:58 AM
Quite a few right-wingers call themselves constitutional conservatives, but self-described constitutional liberals are pretty rare. Washington Monthly blogger Martin Longman essentially positioned himself as one in a Friday post, arguing that there’s no need for modern Americans to interpret the Constitution the way the Founders did, but contending that the Founders would be OK with that…

Lefty Blogger: 'Movement Conservative’ Can't Win In
July 21st, 2014 9:54 PM
Washington Monthly blogger Martin Longman laid it on the line (actually, the headline) on Sunday: “Movement Conservatism is Dead as a National Ideology.”
Longman argued that “[w]ith each passing year, movement conservatism becomes less viable” as a vehicle for winning the White House and opined that Republicans “will lose, possibly in historic, devastating fashion” the next presidential…