Laura Holson

NYT Hails Joy Reid, 'Hero of the Resistance,' Downplays Anti-Gay Posts
February 11th, 2018 8:55 AM
The front of the New York Times Sunday Styles section features a profile of MSNBC host Joy Reid, “A Hero of the Resistance,” by Laura Holson. The online headline’s subhead: “The daughter of immigrants, she spars fiercely with supporters of President Trump, both on the air and in the Twitter ether.” How original! It was quite the change from Holson's sinister treatment of a conservative female…

NYT Devotes Front of Sunday Styles to Regal Democratic Dames
January 15th, 2017 7:33 PM
If first lady Michelle Obama and losing Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton want salve for their sorrow at Trump’s election victory, they can peruse the front page of the New York Times Sunday Styles section for consolation. Fashion writer Vanessa Friedman started with a tribute to the political significance of the first lady's sartorial elegance, “How Clothes Defined Her – No first lady…
NY Times's Smear of New Catholic Saint Stands
October 8th, 2015 3:02 PM
On September 30, the New York Times ran a front-page story that smeared St. Junipero Serra. Repeated attempts to have the paper correct the record have failed. This is yellow journalism at its worst. When I submit paid ads to the Times, I am often asked to identify my sources. Yet it accepts hit jobs like Holson's. The fact is there is no list of historians who claim Fr. Serra tortured Indians,…

The New York Times Gets Its Grand Theory on Ann Coulter All Wrong
October 11th, 2010 2:36 PM
On Sunday, the New York Times put two controversial conservative women on the front of two of their sections, blogger Pamela Geller, and author and commentator Ann Coulter.
Coulter was profiled on the front of the Sunday Styles section under the headline “Not Done Yet.” The thrust of that odd headline became clear in the subhead, which put a cynical spin on Coulter’s recent pronouncements: “…