Krystal Ball

Bozell on Holt: How Could He Not Have Asked About Hillary Scandals?
MSNBC Canceling The Cycle? Where Will 9/11 Truthers and Angry Libs Go?

'No More Tyranny!': The Cycle Mocks GOP Alternatives to ObamaCare

MSNBC to 'Shift' Online With New Programs Ranging From Sports to Books
NYT Writer Defends Gruber: Voters Are 'Incoherent' on Health Care

MSNBC Points Finger at NRA For 'Making the Ebola Crisis Worse'
MSNBC anchor Krystal Ball and NBC correspondent Anne Thompson shamelessly politicized the Ebola crisis in a Thursday op-ed on Ball and Thompson bewailed how due to "Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don't have a surgeon general right now....during a time when, we not only have Ebola arriving on our shores, but are also dealing with the mysterious Enterovirus, which is…
MSNBC’s Krystal Ball, Guest Blame ISIS Waterboarding on Abu Ghraib

Shock: Author of Harsh Expose on 'Nasty' Hillary Clinton Appears on MS
Howard Stern Fan Fools MSNBC's Krystal Ball On Air: 'You're A Dumb A

Farrow And Ball Team Up To Shout Down Republican Strategist

Unanimous Supreme Court Corrects Obama Overreach, MSNBC's Ball Downpl
Krystal Ball Asks Abortion Movie Director If She Ever Feared For Her

Bill Maher Praises PETA, Tells Liam Neeson to 'Just Shut Up' Over Trea