Kevin Robillard
Politico Chalks Up Larry Hogan Victory to Anything But Policy Stands
November 7th, 2014 5:25 PM
Over at Politico, Kevin Robillard devoted a story on November 7 to the matter of "How Larry Hogan won in Maryland." But throughout the story, Robillard weaved a narrative that almost if not completely pooh-poohed the idea that the Anne Arundel County businessman had anything to do with his Tuesday night victory. Instead,he noted, the credit goes in large part to Hogan luckily running in a…
Politico Takes Cheeky Swipe at GW Bush with Headline 'People Surprised
April 15th, 2013 3:16 PM
Politico's Kevin Robillard published a short piece this morning about former president George W. Bush and how he "is glad his paintings are confounding his critics." You may recall that last month when Bush family email accounts were hacked and private correspondence was published online, it was discovered that the 43rd chief executive of the United State has taken to painting and that, for an…

Politico Disparages Heritage as 'Uninspiring' & Discredits DeMint as a
December 7th, 2012 3:58 PM
Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) announced Thursday that he will be trading his Senate seat in January to assume the helm of the Heritage Foundation. Covering the surprising development in its Friday edition, Politico dismissed DeMint as a mediocre politician with an undistinguished record who is moving on to captain a conservative think tank that has become "predictable, uninspiring, and often lacking in…