New York Times: Trump 'Darth Vader-like Figure' on Environment
July 9th, 2019 2:28 PM
New York Times political reporter Katie Rogers teamed with environmental reporter Coral Davenport for Trump mockery on Tuesday’s front page: “In Speech, Trump Portrays U.S. As a Leader on the Environment.” That benign headline hid deep bias. The current online headline reflected the story’s actual tone by quoting a Trump critic: “Trump Saw Opportunity in Speech on Environment. Critics Saw a ‘“…
Really, NYTimes? Trump Denial of ‘Nasty’ Comment Ominously ‘Orwellian'
June 7th, 2019 8:10 AM
New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers latched on to a minor Trump quote controversy and elevated it to Orwellian importance in Thursday’s edition: Did Trump call former actress Meghan Markle, now wife to Prince Harry and called the Duchess of Sussex, “nasty?” The online edition of the paper upped the significance of the silly spat into a battle over ultimate truth: “An…
NY Times Criticizes Trump for...Moving to Decriminalize Homosexuality?
June 4th, 2019 4:46 PM
U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell (who's openly gay) earlier this year launched an international campaign to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide, paying particular attention to countries like Iran, where the act carries the death penalty. President Trump recently publicized the initiative on Twitter. A grudging win for Trump from the socially liberal media, right? Not at all. New York…
NY Times Cracks Easter Egg-Gate: Trump's 'Decidedly Unfestive Agenda’
April 23rd, 2019 1:39 PM
The New York Times’ hostile coverage of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll proved the paper wouldn’t dare give the Trump administration an easy boost with the non-offensive ritual, the way it did during the Obama administration. The headline in Tuesday’s edition was the giveaway: “Easter Eggs Come With a Side of Politics.” The online headline: “At a White House Tradition, Politics Color…
NY Times Frets Over Trump Triumph: ‘Playing a Dangerous Game
March 27th, 2019 6:11 PM
Reporters and columnists took a petulant tone in Wednesday’s New York Times in the aftermath of the Mueller report and the Trump Administration’s triumphant reaction. One can visualize gritted teeth and pursed lips of the paper’s journalists reporting on Trump administration insiders, celebrating vindication, But fear not, there is hope for the Democrats. Wednesday’s lead story, “Move to Nullify…
NY Times Hits Trump Team: 'Millionaires Haunted by...Marie Antoinette'
January 26th, 2019 2:58 PM
New York Times political reporter Katie Rogers specializes in fan notes to prominent Democrats, tied the government shutdown to a vintage revolutionary left-wing motif in “A Team of Millionaires Haunted by the Ghost Of Marie Antoinette.” The “Marie Antoinette” vibe could also be detected in Jim Tankersley’s report on Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s confiscatory tax plan: “Warren to Unveil Plan To…
NYT: Trump Doesn’t Read A Word, Pro-Trump Books for Conspiracy Section
December 2nd, 2018 3:53 PM
Saturday’s New York Times featured unhidden, extraneous hostility toward the president’s reading habits, in a snarky story more fitting to Sunday Styles or the opinion section then the news section. In “Books Trump Can Praise Without Reading a Word,” Katie Rogers quickly termed pro-Trump books from the likes of Jeanine Pirro and Gregg Jarrett to be “conspiracy theory.” It marks a 180 degree tilt…
NYT: Reality Equals CNN? 'Spotting CNN...Trump Rages Against Reality'
July 26th, 2018 2:14 PM
New York Times reporters Katie Rogers and Maggie Haberman were offended that President Trump doesn’t like to watch CNN, using a leaked anecdote from Air Force One for a full-page story Wednesday: “A Bit of a Stir’ Aboard Air Force One: A TV Tuned to CNN.” The headline writers went overboard. The text box: “A president who rages against reality wants to keep the remote control for himself.” The…
NYT Floods Zone vs Enemy Giuliani: 'America’s Grouchy Dinner Guest'
May 4th, 2018 2:55 PM
Former prosecutor and NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, the newest member of President Trump’s legal team as he battles special counsel Robert Mueller on several fronts, caused a stir with some blunt talk involving payouts to porn actress Stormy Daniels. The New York Times, a long-time enemy of Giuliani, ran two stories in the lead slot Friday under the headline: “On Attack for Trump, Giuliani May…
NYT: Kanye's ‘Mental Stability’ Up for Debate After Pro-Trump Tweets
April 26th, 2018 3:50 PM
Employing unprofessional speculation, reporters Katie Rogers and Joe Coscarelli hinted in the New York Times that famously flaky rapper Kanye West’s Twitter admiration, if not full support, for President Trump was related to incipient mental illness: "In a string of tweets that seemed to outrage and concern his fans, Mr. West tried to defend his admiration for the president from “the mob” of…
NYT Smears ‘Censorship Advocates’ Bozell, Parents Television Council
March 9th, 2018 2:13 PM
New York Times reporter Katie Rogers covered the impromptu discussion at the White House on video games and violence, and casually worked in several strong “censorship” smears against those concerned about the issue: "Melissa Henson, the director of programs for the Parents Television Council, a censorship advocacy group...."
Surprise: NY Times Reports 'SNL' Anti-Trump Bits Are Forgettable
December 29th, 2017 9:26 AM
In Wednesday's New York Times, three reporters reflected on "how Washington insiders are viewing pop culture" in 2017. The most interesting take was that the Saturday Night Live "Alec Baldwin bits" on Trump this year haven't "drawn a ton of blood" in Washington. Their mockery of female Trump aides also failed to score with insiders, they declared.
NYT Ignores Lauer’s Liberalism, Seethes Over 'Sexist' Grilling of HRC
December 1st, 2017 1:28 PM
In covering the shocking firing of NBC Today host Matt Lauer over sexual harassment allegations, the New York Times chose to focus on the shocking results of campaign 2016 and the loss of their favored candidate Hillary Clinton. After two decades of Lauer’s liberal bias (and hypocritical criticism of sexual harassment by Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly), the Times could only focus on how Lauer…
NYT's Rogers Mocks Trump Hotel, Eating Habits of Family, on Page One
August 26th, 2017 4:42 PM
New York Times reporter Katie Rogers is a kind of pop-social reporter in D.C. in the Trump era, and has little love for the people she covers. Rogers made the front page of Saturday’s edition with some snarky that seems a few months past its sell-by date: “Trump Hotel by Night: Lobbyists, $60 Steaks.” One would think sophisticated big-city Times editors would know $60 isn’t really all that much…