Kathleen Willey

NYT: Media Mocked Clinton’s Accusers...in '92 They Were 'Toxic Waste'?
November 27th, 2018 2:34 PM
New York Times writer Amanda Hess issued surprise criticism of the media’s coverage of Bill Clinton’s sex scandals in her review of The Clinton Affair, A&E’s six-part mini-series on Bill Clinton’s scandal over White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Hess argued that the women who accused the former president of sexual harassment were unjustly mocked and shunned by the mainstream press: “Paula…
How We Got Here
August 10th, 2018 4:20 PM
Did you see a particular Wall Street Journal front-page headline on Monday? It read "Profits Soar as Economy Advances." That headline will probably be the most important headline of the week. It certainly is of colossal importance. Our economy is robust. The rest of the world is not doing so well. Take, for instance, China. Yet our economy is unusually healthy. If we have to engage in a trade war…

Sean Hannity Cites MRC Data on Networks Omitting Clinton Accusers
March 23rd, 2018 11:47 AM
On his Fox News show on Thursday night, Sean Hannity underlined an obvious point about the current push to publicize "adult entertainment" providers like Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and their allegations of (consensual) adultery with Donald Trump before he was president. The networks were extremely reluctant to publicize allegations of sexual harassment and even sexual assault when the…

Isikoff: Hillary 'Very Much Part of' Discrediting Bill's Accusers
October 16th, 2016 9:37 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's Smerconish show on CNN, Yahoo News correspondent Michael Isikoff -- formerly of both NBC and Newsweek -- recounted that, both in the 1992 presidential campaign and through the 1990s, Hillary Clinton "was very much a part of the damage control" around her husband Bill Clinton's past relationships with women as she "was focused on discrediting accusations of…

Hypocrisy: Former NYT Head Slams Sex Accusations vs. Bill Clinton
October 14th, 2016 9:43 PM
Former (and fired) New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, now a regular columnist for the left-wing British newspaper The Guardian, hypocritically dismissed three women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct in “Did the Hillary Clinton intimidate Bill's accusers? Let's look at the evidence.” The subhead: “Trump has tried to distract attention from his misogyny by throwing the…

CNN Liberals Try to Deny Hillary Laughed About Defending Child Rapist
October 12th, 2016 8:15 PM
As liberal CNN commentators Bakari Sellers and Maria Cardona appeared as panel members on Tuesday's CNN Tonight to react to a report by CNN's Tom Foreman mostly recalling sexual assault victims who have made complaints about abuse by Bill and Hillary Clinton, both denied that Hillary had been caught laughing about successfully defending a child rapist in spite of the existence of an audio…

Nets Attach Words 'Sexual Assault' to Trump, But Not to Clinton
October 11th, 2016 5:55 PM
As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Monday recalled both the tape from 2005 revealing Donald Trump speaking lewdly about his behavior toward women, and Trump inviting women who have accused Bill Clinton of either sexual harassment or assault to Sunday's debate, there was an obvious double standard in the willingness to use the term "sexual assault" with regard to Trump's behavior, while…

NBC, ABC Interrogate Clinton Accuser: Aren’t You Just a Trump ‘Prop’?
October 10th, 2016 9:23 AM
Immediately following Sunday night’s presidential debate, ABC and NBC set about trying to discredit Bill Clinton’s sexual assault accusers who attended the event as guests of Donald Trump. In a clip aired on ABC’s Good Morning America on Monday, correspondent Tom Llamas grilled former Clinton White House aide Kathleen Willey backstage: “Do you think Donald Trump used you as a political prop today…
Hillary's Hired Thugs
October 7th, 2016 1:46 PM
WASHINGTON — Through the years, one of my favorite sallies against the Clintons has been referring to Hillary Clinton as "Bruno." At times, readers have asked, "Why do you call her Bruno?" It is because there has always been an atmosphere of thuggishness about her. Another way of putting it is, time and again, she acts as though the rule of law does not pertain to her -- for instance, on the…

NYT Plays Defense for HRC as Trump Telegraphs Hit on Bill's Sex Past
October 2nd, 2016 12:54 PM
The New York Times played preemptive defense for Hillary Clinton as Trump telegraphed a possible hit on Bill Clinton’s dark sexual past, with the Times dismissing claims of sexual assaults by Bill Clinton as "disputed" and trying hard to turn the tables on Trump and his past infidelities:"...he also contended that infidelity was 'never a problem' during his three marriages, though his first ended…

MSNBC Reveres Hillary Clinton’s ‘Amazing’ 1969 Commencement Speech
June 6th, 2016 6:37 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour show on Monday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell gifted viewers with a trip down memory lane to Hillary Clinton’s “amazing” college days. A mere twenty-one years old at the time of the speech, Clinton represented her classmates at the 1969 Commencement of Wellesley College. The way Andrea Mitchell and The Wall Street Journal's Jeanne Cummings fawned over the speech was akin to…
Begala, Bash on Clinton Sex Scandals; ‘Nobody Wants to Talk About' It
January 18th, 2016 2:44 AM
After NBC’s Democratic co-moderator Andrea Mitchell lectured Bernie Sanders in Sunday’s debate about whether or not he regretted bringing up Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, the post-debate analysis on CNN saw panelists Dana Bash and Paul Begala (a former Clinton aide) less than pleased with the issue and did their best to downplay its significance in the 2016 race.
Andrea to Bernie: 'Do You Regret' Raising Bill Clinton's Sex Scandals?
January 17th, 2016 11:19 PM
Near the end of Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate on NBC, co-moderator, Clinton correspondent, and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell served up the lone question on Bill Clinton’s sex scandals in a misleading and vague fashion that allowed Senator Bernie Sanders to dodge the substance of the matter and instead falsely bash the media for even bringing it up. “You called Bill Clinton's past…

CNN: Bill Clinton's War-on-Women History Is Only 'Alleged'
January 4th, 2016 10:40 AM
Since last night, Matt Drudge has teased his link to CNN's coverage of Hillary Clinton "heckler" Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien with the following headline: "Clinton heckled in NH by rape survivor."
The headline at CNN's story by Dan Merica is quite different: "NH GOP lawmaker heckles Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton's sex scandals." The headline difference is not unusual. What is unusual is that…