Jon Scott

FNC’s Fox Newswatch Highlights Winner in MRC’s Online Voting for W
December 18th, 2010 8:48 PM
FNC’s Fox Newswatch on Saturday highlighted a winner in the MRC’s online balloting, in which many NewsBusters readers took part (Friday NB post announcing who you picked for Quote of the Year), for the annual awards for the year’s worst reporting. Host Jon Scott announced:
The results are in. The Media Research Center conducted an online poll asking the public to vote on the worst biased…

Greg Gutfeld Takes On Ratigan and Rall's Call for Violent Revolution
November 13th, 2010 6:14 PM
Greg Gutfeld on Saturday took on Dylan Ratigan and Ted Rall for advocating a violent revolution on the former's television program last Monday.
Giving the closing comment on "Fox News Watch," the "Red Eye" host also pointed out the delicious irony in a cartoonist "calling for a government overthrow with guns and violence on a network, MSNBC, that accused Tea Partiers of the same" (video…

Greg Gutfeld Bashes WaPo For Pulling Mohammed Cartoon
October 16th, 2010 4:14 PM
As NewsBusters reported last Sunday, the Washington Post earlier this month pulled a cartoon from its paper due to a reference to the prophet Mohammed.
With this in mind, "Red Eye" host Greg Gutfeld appeared on "Fox News Watch" Saturday to ask, "Why is it that the media keeps reminding us that we shouldn’t exaggerate the threat of a small group of radicals, but then completely changes tact…
More People Watched Fox News Monday Than Obama Town Hall
September 22nd, 2010 10:13 AM
The ratings are in for Barack Obama's televised town hall meeting on CNBC Monday, and they're pretty dismal.In fact, far more people watched the Fox News Channel's "Happening Now" with Jon Scott and Jenna Lee airing at the same time than tuned in to see what the President had to say. Potentially even more embarrassing, when you add in those that watched Obama in MSNBC's replay of the event later…
FNC Cites MRC, NewsBusters on Media Indicting America as Islamophobic
September 18th, 2010 5:40 PM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, host Jon Scott picked up on a recent "Media Reality Check" report by the Media Research Center – parent organization to NewsBusters – titled "Smearing America as Islamophobic," which documented that the mainstream media have portrayed America as Islamophobic because of public opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. Scott: "The Media Research Center, Jim, released a…
FNC’s Colmes Claims ‘Very Similar Reaction’ from Christians to M
September 13th, 2010 1:40 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, after host Jon Scott displayed a political cartoon that depicted the aggressive overreaction of many Muslims to Pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn a Koran on September 11, liberal FNC analyst Alan Colmes suggested that a "very similar reaction" from Christians would result if a Muslim announced the intent to burn a Bible. Despite the reported riots and death in…
Judith Miller Smacks Down Time and Ellis Henican Over American Islamop
August 28th, 2010 5:14 PM
Judith Miller on Saturday marvelously smacked down Time magazine and Ellis Henican over the contention that America is Islamophobic.As the discussion on "Fox News Watch" turned to Time's cover story about the nation's view of Muslims, Henican said that he attended the protests in New York last week and "there were some views expressed that I think everyone at this table would find a little…
Fox News Watch: Jim Pinkerton Cites CMI Piece on Ground Zero Mosque
August 14th, 2010 11:47 PM
Jim Pinkerton on Saturday cited a Culture and Media Institute article about the hypocritical reporting of the proposed Ground Zero mosque.On Thursday, CMI's Alana Goodman noted in a piece cross-posted at sister site NewsBusters: Ground Zero mosque organizer Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has been described by the media as a "moderate" and a "bridge-builder." But not too long ago, the same news outlets…
Juan Williams: Media Always Make Blacks the Victims and Whites the Per
August 14th, 2010 8:09 PM
Juan Williams on Saturday said when it comes to news stories about race, America's media always make black people the victims and white people the perpetrators. As the discussion on "Fox News Watch" turned to last week's murders at a Hartford, Connecticut, beer distributor, host Jon Scott read clippings from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press all claiming the killer…
Cal: Amanpour Thinks Like Nasr But Too Smart To Tweet It
July 11th, 2010 7:49 AM
CNN fired an editor for expressing "a lot [of] respect" for a Hezbollah leader the US had designated a terrorist. So how has ABC dealt with someone with similar views? By hiring her and awarding her the prestigious plum of host of This Week.So what's the difference between Octavia Nasr and Christiane Amanpour? Not much, says Cal Thomas, when it comes to their views. It's just that Amanpour…
FNC's Pinkerton Cites MRC on Holder & Napolitano Not Reading Arizona I
May 26th, 2010 8:11 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, as the panel discussed revelations that Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted to not having read the Arizona immigration law even as they criticized it publicly, FNC contributor Jim Pinkerton cited the Media Research Center, parent organization of NewsBusters, and passed on findings contained in the May 18 "Bozell…
Rich Lowry: Media Are In Love With Obama Despite His Contempt For Them
May 22nd, 2010 5:08 PM
National Review's Rich Lowry on Saturday's "Fox News Watch" noted a bizarre relationship between Barack Obama and the media: "they're in love with the guy and he has contempt for them."Host Jon Scott started the discussion by mentioning the peculiar irony of the President on Monday signing the Press Freedom Act while refusing to take any questions from media members at the event.As the…
Fox News Watch Cites Media Research Center Study on Global Warming Cov
April 26th, 2010 11:26 AM
On Saturday's Fox News Watch, while discussing media coverage of environmental issues on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, host Jon Scott cited a special report from the Media Research Center's Business and Media Institute: "The Media Research Center posted a special report this week claiming networks generally hide the decline in credibility of claims of climate change." Scott went on to add…
On Fox News, Jim Pinkerton, Judy Miller Cite MRC, Eyeblast
April 19th, 2010 11:57 AM
James Pinkerton of the New America Foundation and Fox News contributor Judy Miller both gave kudos to the Media Research Center and on Saturday's Fox News Watch. Pinkerton applauded Eyeblast for hosting a clip of NBC's Kelly O'Donnell questioning of black tea partyer and his "best answer." (See the Friday NB post, “White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You…