Chuck Todd: Obama Could Do ‘Jimmy Carter-Like Damage' To Democrats

September 10th, 2014 1:57 PM
President Obama is set to address the country on Wednesday night to announce plans to take action against the terrorist group ISIS. In anticipation of the president’s speech, Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, had some strikingly harsh comments regarding President Obama’s falling poll numbers. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday morning, Todd…

Mother Jones Blogger Lauds Obama’s Lack of ‘Blood Lust’ Toward ISIS

September 10th, 2014 12:59 PM
For now, President Obama’s “no-drama” handling of the ISIS situation counters both Americans’ fondness for “the same kind of bloody-shirt waving that got us into” Iraq and “the usual gang of conservative jingoists” now pushing for war.

CNN Uses Maher Tweet To Revisit 'Islam is A Violent Religion' Debate

September 9th, 2014 6:21 PM
Don Lemon returned to the question of whether Islam is an inherently violent religion on Monday's CNN Tonight, as he interviewed Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison and author Reza Aslan. Lemon turned to his two Muslim guests for their take on a recent Tweet by atheist HBO host Bill Maher: "ISIS, one of thousands of Islamic militant groups beheads another. But by all means let's keep pretending all…

CNN Guests: Obama 'Has Very Little Ability To Sway' Global 'Crises'

September 8th, 2014 5:48 PM
On Monday's New Day on CNN, Jonathan Martin of the New York Times and Bloomberg's Margaret Tavel ran to President Obama's defense over his handling of ISIS. Martin hyped that "the President is in a tough spot here....these two beheadings of journalists...have really outraged a lot of folks....and the President is forced to act. But again, there is not any appetite in this country to put ground…

Scarborough Scoffs at Friedman's Idea To Stop ISIS: A Carbon Tax

September 8th, 2014 10:51 AM
Joe Scarborough scoffs at Thomas Friedman's suggestion that the way to confront ISIS is for the US to adopt a carbon tax and permit oil exports.

Donna Brazile Admits To Not Knowing What Caliphate Means

September 7th, 2014 6:17 PM
During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Donna Brazile, former campaign manager for Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign, admitted to not knowing what a caliphate was while trying to defend President Obama’s policy regarding the terrorist group ISIS.    Brazile argued that the battle with ISIS is “a medieval war that we're looking at to establish a caliphate” before…

Mitt Romney Slams Obama Over ISIS

September 7th, 2014 10:26 AM
Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had some strikingly harsh words for President Obama over his lack of a coherent strategy to combat the terrorist group ISIS. Appearing on Fox News Sunday on September 9, Romney slammed President Obama by insisting that he was “too busy on the golf course to pick up the phone and meet with the leaders around the world and to say what happens if…

Fox's Andrea Tantaros Owes No 'Islamophobia' Apology

September 6th, 2014 7:26 AM
In a bizarre twist of reality, the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) has demanded The Five co-host Andrea Tantaros and Fox apologize for “Islamophobia.” Why is Ms. Tantaros in the dock? (She actually made her remarks on another Fox show, Outnumbered.) And Fox too?

Paul Waldman: Obama Takes ‘The Long View’ on ISIS, Avoids 'Anger a

September 4th, 2014 9:04 PM
On Wednesday, American Prospect blogger Paul Waldman noted the rhetorical contrast between President Obama and Vice President Biden regarding ISIS. Essentially, Obama has sounded cool and detached, a la Miles Davis, whereas a revved-up Biden, in a Portsmouth, N.H. speech, worked up a sweat and fed off the energy of the audience in the manner of Bruce Springsteen. “You get a sense now,” wrote…

Shock: CNN's Lemon Strongly Hints Islam is 'More Violent' Than Other R

September 4th, 2014 4:40 PM
Don Lemon surprisingly shot down a common moral equivalency argument in defense of the Islamic faith during a panel discussion on Wednesday's CNN Tonight. Lemon asked, "Is Islam a more violent religion than other faiths?" When CNN analyst Tom Fuentes answered, "Yes, it must be," guest Arsalan Iftikhar retorted by playing up that "Christian extremist organizations...have bombed gay nightclubs and…

WashPost Awards Obama Press Secy ‘Four Pinocchios’ For His Defense

September 4th, 2014 1:30 PM
Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler took aim at White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on Wednesday, September 3 and the result wasn’t pretty. At issue was Earnest’s attempt to clarify remarks made by President Obama during an interview in January where he labeled the terrorist group ISIS as a “JV” team. Despite the press secretary’s best efforts to argue that Obama was “not singling…

Fury of ISIS Victim's Family With White House Buried Deep in NY Times

September 3rd, 2014 10:17 PM
The family of Steven Sotloff, the second American journalist beheaded in the past two weeks by members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria -- or ISIS -- is reportedly “outraged” at President Barack Obama and his staff for making “deliberate leaks,” which the relatives interpret as “an attempt to absolve the administration of inaction.” While this might seem to be the basis of an extensive…

NBC's Brian Williams: Obama ‘Appeared to Be Clear and Unambiguous

September 3rd, 2014 9:49 PM
On Wednesday night’s NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams completely missed the mark on President Obama’s mixed signals regarding how his administration intends to deal with the threat of the Islamic terrorist group ISIS and omitted remarks from Obama that ISIS can be contained to the point of being “a manageable problem.” At the top of the broadcast, Williams made this blatant falsehood…

CNN's Lemon Spotlights Obama's Briefing on ISIS A Year Ago; NYT's Kris

September 3rd, 2014 4:30 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, Don Lemon spotlighted the scoop that President Obama received briefings on ISIS "for at least a year" before the extreme Islamist group's blitzkrieg across northern Iraq – something the Big Three networks failed to do the same evening. During a segment with Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, Lemon pointed out that the President was "briefed on this a year ago, and…