Hobby Lobby

Bloomberg Opinion Editor Tries Lecturing Faith-Based Investor on ESG
June 9th, 2023 10:53 AM
Bloomberg Opinion’s Executive Editor could not resist sneering at a faith-based investor over his opposition to woke environmental, social and governance standards during a June 6 podcast.

NYT Chides D.C. Bible Museum, Suggests Critics of Islam as Bad as ISIS
November 19th, 2017 3:11 PM
The New York Times jabbed at Christians and conservatives in two articles Saturday related to museum exhibitions. Emily Cochrane nitpicked the new Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., while an art critic looking at a Paris exhibit on the history of Christians in the Middle East suggested the French populist Marine Le Pen was as bad as the jihadists of ISIS.

HBO’s 'Veep' Takes Swipe at SCOTUS Hobby Lobby Decision
May 8th, 2017 1:07 AM
In the May 7 episode of HBO’s Veep titled “Justice,” former President Selina Meyers (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) attends the funeral for fictitious Supreme Court Justice Tenny and takes a swipe at a Supreme Court decision. The episode also perfectly illustrates how a cable news station (in this case CNN) can run with a rumor whether it is based in truth or not, aka fake news.
Nets Skip Gruber, ObamaCare, Hong Kong During Year in Review Roundups
December 31st, 2014 11:33 AM
Each of the network morning shows devoted some time on Wednesday to looking back at the biggest news stories of year and, while they certainly could not have included every story in the allotted time, they all failed to spend even a few seconds on topics such as Jonathan Gruber, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, President Obama’s unpopularity, and the Hobby Lobby case to name a few.
Salon Columnist Twists Ray Rice Beating Scandal to Blast Hobby Lobby
September 8th, 2014 6:56 PM
Left-wing columnist CJ Werleman couldn't resist using athlete Ray Rice's suspension from the NFL on Monday as a means to attack social conservatives. Werleman took to Twitter and snarked, "If Ray Rice continues to treat women like that, he'll end up running the Hobby Lobby."
Rasmussen Column: Opposition to Hobby Lobby Decision Highlights Proble
July 28th, 2014 5:12 PM
Following the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, one of the key talking points that emerged from enraged opponents of the ruling was: "My boss shouldn't be involved in my health care decisions." California State Senate candidate Sandra Fluke says on her official website that such a perspective is "common sense."
An Ohio Democrat is introducing a "Not My Boss's Business Act" in the state…

Jon Stewart Viciously Mocks Hobby Lobby Decision: ‘Hobby Lobby v. Di
July 15th, 2014 1:05 AM
Jon Stewart has been on vacation for the past two weeks and he used his return on Monday, July 14 to mock the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of craft store Hobby Lobby.
Appearing on The Daily Show, Stewart slammed the Supreme Court ruling and declared the “final score Hobby Lobby 5, whores 4. Sorry whores.” [See video below.]

Pro-Lifers Can Get Crafty at Hobby Lobby, Too. Will Media Note
July 14th, 2014 4:15 PM
The media adored 29-year-old feminist Jasmine Shea when she spelled “Pro-Choice” and littered condoms throughout craft-store Hobby Lobby, acting out a temper tantrum over the Supreme Court’s new decision – but how will they react to this?
CMI staff visited a Hobby Lobby on July 14 to rearrange craft letters to read “Religious Freedom” and “First Amendment.” Unlike the media’s new celebrities…
Fox's Megyn Kelly, Brent Bozell Denounce Nancy Pelosi's Wild Claims Ab
July 11th, 2014 10:50 AM
Nancy Pelosi's charge that five men on the Supreme Court ruling in the Hobby Lobby case are interfering with her choice of whether or not to use a diaphragm is a complete lie, a gross distortion of the case, Fox News's Megyn Kelly told viewers of her Thursday night program.
"I can't say it better than you just put it," Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell replied. "…
Hobby Lobby Hijinks Hyped As Trend By WaPo, Feminist Sites
July 10th, 2014 3:36 PM
It doesn’t take much to make “news” in The Washington Post these days.
Upset at the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling, last Thursday 29-year-old feminist New Yorker Jasmine Shea decided it would be a great idea to leave condoms randomly around a Latham, New York, Hobby Lobby store and spell out the phrase “Pro-Choice” with block letters in various places. Of course she took lots of selfies…

Ten of the Most Hysterical Hobby Lobby Reactions
July 10th, 2014 1:38 PM
American women have plunged into a bottomless dungeon of servitude -- by the Supreme Court no less -- in the new ruling that Hobby Lobby can be exempted from paying for employees’ abortifacients. Or so the liberal media and "women's rights" activists claim.
But they won’t let that long night of barbarism descend without raising the alarm, and resisting in small, symbolic and deeply stupid…
Say What? 'View' Co-host Sherri Shepherd Defends Hobby Lobby
July 9th, 2014 3:53 PM
Wednesday morning’s episode of The View got a bit heated when the panel decided to weigh in on the Supreme Court’s controversial Hobby Lobby ruling. Liberal guest host and former CNN legal analyst, Sunny Hostin sought to inform the audience of the “scary” and “dangerous” decision made by the Supreme Court.
Curiously enough, Sherri Shepherd offered “another opinion” and stood by Hobby Lobby by…

NOW President: Hobby Lobby Ruling is Example of Supreme Court Waging
July 3rd, 2014 7:16 PM
Incoming! Clear the deck!
Oops, sorry ... yet another false alarm resulting from altogether too much loose talk about "war" where none exists. Liberals have so incessantly flogged the "war on women" meme that they have fully crossed the line into caricature, just as their kneejerk claims of racism heaved at anyone who dares disagree have rendered the word devoid of any meaning. (Audio after…

Fmr. WashPost Editor Steve Coll Invokes Taliban in Critique of Hobby L
July 3rd, 2014 12:21 AM
If you’re choosing one person who best represents America’s journalistic establishment, it’d be hard to top Steve Coll, a former Washington Post reporter and managing editor who’s now dean of Columbia University’s journalism school; a member of the Pulitzer Prize board; and a staff writer for the New Yorker.
On Wednesday, Coll posted a piece on the New Yorker’s website in which he argued that…