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Farhad Manjoo
NYT Flunky Writes ‘Giving People Money’ Is Great Way to Reduce Poverty
September 23rd, 2022 4:33 PM
A New York Times opinion columnist exploited child poverty in order to advance the virtues of a nutty leftist policy goal: “universal basic income.”
PANIC! NYT Columnist Cries Dems ‘Have a Year to Save the Planet’
July 1st, 2021 1:36 PM
Does The New York Times ever get tired of pushing content that reeks of eco-extremism? Apparently not.
NY Times Gloats: ‘Bring Back Big Government’ Over Coronavirus
March 19th, 2020 6:30 AM
Farhad Manjoo, New York Times tech columnist turned proudly left-wing opinion columnist, positively gloated over the private sector and President Trump’s failure to bring the coronavirus to heel in “Bring Back Big Government -- America’s failed response to the coronavirus is a direct result of decades of starving federal agencies of expertise.” Of course, it turned out to be Ronald Reagan's fault…
NY Times Opinion Writers Have GOP Nightmares: ‘Tucker Carlson 2024’
September 23rd, 2019 2:51 PM
The New York Times unleashed a farrago of fear-mongering opinions over the weekend, targeting the Republican Party as dirty, dangerously dogmatic, and downright evil. Columnist Farhad Manjoo produced another example of his recent free-floating fear of the Republican Party in his thought experiment: “Tucker Carlson 2024.” The text box: “I imagined a president worse than Trump. Welcome to my…
NYTimes’ Manjoo Warns CEOs: Fear Recession, ‘It Could Mean Revolution’
August 22nd, 2019 2:01 PM
The next recession could bring an economic “revolution,” according to left-wing New York Times tech columnist Farhad Manjoo. He argued that when it arrives it would be “time to go full Elizabeth Warren” because of inequality.
Insisting that “a recession looms,” Manjoo fueled envy against CEOs and the wealthy — the very kind of envy that could spur such a “revolution.” Although he attached…
NY Times's Manjoo: Forget Facebook, Fight 'Lies' of 'Fox News Machine'
June 2nd, 2019 11:30 AM
Weighing in on the controversy over whether Facebook should have taken down a doctored video clip portraying Nancy Pelosi as a drunk, New York Times tech columnist Farhad Manjoo says we should instead fight the real enemy: “The Problem Is Fox News, Not Facebook.” The text box: “Misinformation online has nothing on Murdoch TV’s lies.” Manjoo called Fox "the million-pound forked-tongue colossus…
Even NY Times Columnist Admits Collusion Was a 'Seductive Delusion'
March 28th, 2019 9:49 PM
Even left-wing New York Times columnists are admitting now that collusion was a "seductive delusion." In Wednesday's paper, columnist Farhad Manjoo proclaimed that the Trump victory was unbearable, and they needed to place the blame on foreign sources, rather than sick American voters. "Collusion was a seductive and convenient delusion. For many Americans, the simple truth that Mr. Trump really…
NY Times Frets Over Trump Triumph: ‘Playing a Dangerous Game
March 27th, 2019 6:11 PM
Reporters and columnists took a petulant tone in Wednesday’s New York Times in the aftermath of the Mueller report and the Trump Administration’s triumphant reaction. One can visualize gritted teeth and pursed lips of the paper’s journalists reporting on Trump administration insiders, celebrating vindication, But fear not, there is hope for the Democrats. Wednesday’s lead story, “Move to Nullify…
‘Abolish Billionaires’ Says NY Times Opinion Columnist
February 8th, 2019 10:00 AM
If progressives get their way, it won’t matter how “f---ing bad” Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy want to be billionaires.They won’t be, and neither will anyone else.
Now that democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and others are publicly declaring “billionaires are bad” and a system that allows billionaires to exist is “wrong,” the far lefties in the news media are daring to…
NYT: BuzzFeed Struggles a ‘Democratic Emergency,' 'Reason for Panic'
January 31st, 2019 7:35 PM
New York Times opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo mounted a silly defense for BuzzFeed, which recently cut staff, in “Media Layoffs As Democratic Emergency.” The column’s text box: “Last week’s job cuts suggest a reason for panic.” Panic? He’s worried about the decline and fall of that vital democratic-building journalistic titan -- BuzzFeed? "It’s the site that gave us The Dress and published The…
‘Game of Thrones’ Creator: Climate Should be Politicians' #1 Priority
October 17th, 2018 2:39 PM
Game of Thrones fans know “winter is coming.” What they didn’t know was the most popular show on HBO is also a “parallel” to governments now facing the threat of climate change, according to a New York Times Style Magazine interview with its creator.
NY Times Column Urges Bezos to Become ‘Traitor to His Class’
September 20th, 2018 3:30 PM
Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos is now the world’s wealthiest man, and the liberal media love denouncing him for it.
They’ve also started telling him what to do with his money and power now that he’s begun giving some of it away. Bezos is estimated to be worth $162 billion, and he and his wife announced on Sept. 13, they would give $2 billion to address homelessness and preschool education.
Now It’s the Hypocritical NYT Which Has ‘Decided to Let Racism Slide’
August 6th, 2018 11:33 AM
After Roseanne Barr lost her hit show over a tweet, the blurb introducing television writer James Poniewozik’s report was morally convicting: "....when people decide to let racism slide, it costs the rest of us." A shame the Times chose not to apply that maxim to itself. Fast forward to the controversy over the paper’s hiring of Sarah Jeong to write about technology for the paper’s editorial…
NYT’s Manjoo Plays Lefty Twitter Cop: Should Trump Tweets Be Censured?
July 5th, 2018 6:09 PM
New York Times tech columnist Farhad Manjoo is eager to be the left-wing Internet politics czar. He urged cracking down on wrong-think on Twitter in November 2017, by “look[ing] to the community for determining the rights of people on the platform.” His latest social media policing comes in Thursday’s Business Day, where he spent 1,400 words trying to start an employee uprising at Twitter, and…