Deirdre Walsh
CNN Plays 'Hide the Story' As GOP Wins Key Fla. House Race
March 12th, 2014 9:58 AM
Last night, I noted that the Associated Press had not deigned to consider Republican David Jolly's victory over Democrat Alex Sink in the FL-13 Congressional race a "Top U.S. Story" as of 10:13 p.m. To AP's credit (or perhaps because of yours truly's and others' razzing?), a story about the race was at the Number 6 spot in Top U.S. Stories as of 8:15 this morning., on the other hand (…

CNN Politics Reports 'Republicans Name Fiscal Conservatives to Debt Co
August 10th, 2011 4:42 PM
Today CNN's Politics Web site carries the story "Republicans name fiscal conservatives to debt committee," written by Deirdre Walsh and Tom Cohen. The piece begins:
"Republican leaders on Wednesday named fiscal conservatives for their six picks for a new congressional "super" committee charged with crafting a plan to cut the country's deficit."
OK, the GOP's selections would be seen by…