David Segal

NY Times Fawns Over Radio Host ‘Fighting Brexiteers With Logic'
February 10th, 2019 6:56 PM
New York Times’ reporter David Segal jeered supporters of Brexit, the 2016 vote in which Britain voted narrowly to leave the European Union, with a profile of a London radio host: “The Fame and Folly of Fighting Brexiteers With Logic -- A talk radio host wields facts, eviscerating Leavers and racking up YouTube clicks.” Segal is condescending and snide on the front page of Sunday Business,…
Golden Compost: Washington Post Goes Soft On Film's Director
December 6th, 2007 2:03 PM
Sometimes, newspapers bury the lede on purpose. Today’s Exhibit A? The Washington Post Style section profile of Chris Weitz, the director of the new anti-religious movie The Golden Compass. The Post’s anodyne headline was "‘Golden Compass’ Director Seeks True North." David Segal’s story takes eight paragraphs and a sentence before it gets to the point, why the publicity: The trilogy of books…
The American Spectator Was 'Empty-Handed' on Clinton Scandals
October 22nd, 2007 7:41 AM
Monday’s Washington Post carried a long, splashy article on the divorce of Richard Mellon Scaife, major conservative philanthropist (and backer of the MRC, truth be told). The joy in Scaife’s misfortune was hardly hidden. The headline was “Low Road to Splitsville: Right-Wing Publisher's Breakup Is Super-Rich In Tawdry Details.” Reporter David Segal’s article began and ended with the gimmick that…