David Chalian

Is Modern Media More Biased Than Before?
There is a perception, supported by many surveys, that what passes for contemporary journalism is more biased, even propagandistic, than in earlier times. One of the definitions of "journalism" on Dictionary.com will affirm that attitude for many: "writing that reflects superficial thought and research, a popular slant, and hurried composition..." Journalism has, in fact, been infected by bias…

A FAR CRY FROM FOUR YEARS AGO: ‘Poetic’ Biden Delivers ‘Chills’
The exuberance began even before Joe Biden was officially sworn-in. The night before the Inauguration, CNN’s David Chalian claimed the light staging along the Lincoln Memorial’s reflecting pool was like “Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” Biden’s arrival at Andrews Air Force Base literally gave a New York Times editor “chills.”

CNN's Chalian: Lights Display Is Like 'Biden's Arms Embracing America'
CNN's highly partisan political director, David Chalian, went into full swoon over with an over the top tongue bath of Joe Biden on Tuesday. His gushing was so ridiculously absurd that it has become the subject of much mockery.

VIDEO: TV News Sees Sunshine and Rainbows Throughout Inauguration
It’s not as though anyone actually expected TV newsrooms across America to cover today’s inauguration objectively. But boy, did they lay it on thick.

CNN Warmly Welcomes Team Biden: 'They Spoke Truth, Facts, Science'
CNN Newsroom coverage of Joe Biden's prospective national security team's Tuesday press conference celebrated the replacement of President Trump's idea of an "America First" foreign policy with one that is based on truth, facts, and science.

CRAZY CNN: Kamala’s ‘Fantastic’ Speech Came ‘From the Mountaintop’
On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN analysts, hosts, and reporters debased themselves and reminded us of their embarrassing, shameless, sophomoric, and unserious operation with their reactions to Kamala Harris’s “beautiful,” “conversational,” “fantastic,” and “warm” speech that sounded like it was delivered “from the mountaintop.”

CNN: Harris’s ‘Vibrance’ Will Face ‘Powerful Forces’ of Racism, Sexism
On CNN’s The Situation Room, the assembled panel of Zuckerville citizens continued Tuesday to set the table for what could be years of uncritical coverage of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in a hypothetical Biden administration. Over the course of the two-hour show, she was called “barrier-breaking,” “fascinating,” “historic,” and a “trailblazer” possessing “energy,” “…

CNN Touts Biden's 'Chicken Soup Appeal,' a Cure for the Trump Illness

Even CNN Was Unimpressed With the Way Their Debate Turned Out

Stelter Tries Jedi Mind Trick on #ExposeCNN Tapes -- 'No There There'
CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter completely dismissed the Project Veritas tapes exposing CNN in a podcast with Charles Sykes of the Trump-hating site The Bulwark. Stelter touted CNN spokesman Matt Dornic simply tweeting "Yawn" in reaction. "I don't think O'Keefe has published anything surprising or newsworthy," he claimed. "There's no there there to the claims O'Keefe is promoting."

CNN Commends Pelosi Defending Law With ‘Historic’ Impeachment Inquiry

CNN: 'Sharp' Kamala 'Commanded' Stage in Her 'Masterful Performance'

CNN: 'Professor' Warren Lorded Over 'Grad Students,' the 'Pacesetter'