'Say What?' WashPost Can't Believe Paul Ryan Doesn't Love 'House of Ca

August 16th, 2014 2:22 PM
The absolute coziness of the Hollywood Left and the Clintons is demonstrated by a new video made for the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Kevin Spacey appears as his “House of Cards” character Frank Underwood and calls up Hillary and does a Bill Clinton impersonation. It’s hard to see it as anything but cheesy, smoochy material  – unless you’re a big Clinton fan. The media and…

New Press Secretary Josh Earnest Gets Low Marks From Pro-Obama Media

June 26th, 2014 9:48 AM
As noted by Washington Post reporter David Nakamura, newly-minted Obama White House press spokesman Josh Earnest managed to anger the White House press corps right out of the gate.   While it may not seem like a big deal that press can be "testy" with a White House, consider the contrast at the beginning of the Obama Presidency in 2009.  Traditionally, the White House press corps does not stand…